{Chapter 69}

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Xander's POV:

"Your Majesty,

This is unexpected information I am about to give you. But it must be spoken. As days pass by, we are getting closer to war. During my days of regency, I have granted knightship to three men for their good deeds. I hope to put a good word for them as they are quite experienced lads.

Desmond Blackford, Aaron Cressel, and Gerald Lynner are individuals who are more than competent and eager to serve you. I would advise you to send them.

Your loyal subject,
Hilan Corrington."

I placed the letter back on the desk and rested some weights on it to prevent it from hovering away. There was only one week away from Catheline's birthday. My uncle had already left for his Kingdom.

Nathaniel informed me that the work I assigned to him is being done at a faster rate. The gift should be completed before the special day.

It was not that hard to hide it from my wife. The window from my chamber does not show the view of what was happening in the garden. And as she was not visiting the outdoors as often, the secret should remain hidden.

However, I just hoped that the maids and guards around would stop talking about it. Even Karra knows of it and hence, I summoned her especially to forbid her from speaking of it.

And now...this letter.

My head was finding it difficult to keep so many things to myself. I stood up from my chair and walked toward the window. An icy breeze greeted me when I opened it.

The winter had been quite harsh this year, as flakes of snow already began drifting around the scenery. This was solace for a creature like me.

I loved the cold as it does not bother me much. When I was young, I used to spend as much time as I could outside whenever it snowed. For some reason, the cool atmosphere gave me some form of consolation and peace.

An unhurried knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.


Nathaniel stepped in, looking disgruntled. His hair appeared as if he ran for miles. He bowed politely though.

"Lestor," he said dryly. "He is becoming more unhinged, Your Majesty,"

"What happened now?" I asked, dreading the worse.

Lestor had been moody ever since the beginning of winter, which marked the eleventh year since I found him in the forest, left to die.
Just a few days ago, he almost escaped and attacked one of the guards who was stationed there.

"He tried to attack me," Nathaniel said and at once, my heart fell to my stomach. "I was just trying to feed him and he almost bit my arm off,"

I lowered my gaze, feeling strangely calm. I should be hysterical now. Lestor never attacked Nathaniel. If he did, there must be a reason for it.

"What do you think I should do?" I sighed as I interlaced my fingers. "Talk to him?"

"It is a wild creature, Your Majesty..." Nathaniel sighed and looked at me intently. "He might be tired of captivity,"

"You are suggesting that I release him?" I asked, surprised.

Lestor was a beast who I shared a deep bond with. Ever since I rescued him, I played with him, rooted for him, and took care of him. Letting him go into the wilderness was not the idea I could wrap my head around.

"Perhaps we should ask Her Grace---"

"No," the word appears on my tongue in an instant. "If it is turning wild, I would not like it near her,"

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