Chapter Sixteen: Call me a Liar

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Chapter Sixteen: Call me a Liar

His fingers trace along the black tattoo-like marking on the right side of the boy's face. He traces it down to his neck, stopping where the thin blanket covered the rest of his lithe body, and back up again to the bruising and cuts that were a mix of red, blue and purple. It was almost as if X was in a fixated trance, fulfilling the need to permanently embed the boy's sleeping features into his memory.

His fingers linger on a tiny scar that just clipped the left eyebrow. It was older than many of the other scars that painted his body and almost faded completely. As X's fingers shift some of his hair, dampened by sweat out of his eyes, the boy moves slightly in his sleep. He looked as though this was the first time in a long time since he had any proper sleep.

X could feel the presence of everyone within this clinic without much effort and knew that he was being watched, not that he particularly minded or cared. He slightly shifts his gaze in the general direction of the opened door that let in the only source of light to this dark room. The youngest of the group, Mist, was staring in from the side of the ajar door, appearing as though she hoped that she was hiding, though even without his enhanced senses, her shadow draped in and fully gave her away.

Mist then jumps at a voice behind her, "How's he doing?" Hanna smiles.

X looks up, unsurprised to see her there. His interest was lacking in her presence and he went back to look at the boy, not caring to answer or acknowledge her any further. He had no reason to respond.

Hanna did not seem to mind as she steps closes to him, Mist shadowing behind her. "His vitals are strong, despite what he's been though." She tapped a holographic screen that suddenly appeared beside her, dousing the room in a soft blue glow. Her fingers tapping away.

See. No reason to answer such a question that she herself knew the answer to or could acquire such knowledge without his verbal input. X could feel and hear the heartbeats of those around him. Hanna, steady and sure, her excitement was sated. For now. Mist, quicker because she was caught and a natural nervousness that she has.

"This boy has no registration, so he is definitely from the outside, not of the city." Ah he could feel the excitement bubbling up in Hanna once again. Precarious curiosity this woman has.

Registration. Such an irritating concept. Those who were inside the Fences were all digitally registered and genetically marked like pets. All their data, right down to their sleeping patterns were monitored constantly. X naturally wasn't. Who would acknowledge that a monster existed inside the walls? Especially one they created? No one. No one wants to admit their dirty little secrets. Certainly not one this dirty.

"Oh I do hope he wakes up. Imagine the information I could record. Living outside to the constant exposure of Lunar Radiation...fascinating!"

X could see Mist frown just a little, "But what if he wakes up know..."her voice a whisper.

"Crazy?" Hanna asks lightly. "It would be unfortunate but no sample is unwanted to me. Any and all information is invaluable. No matter what form it takes."

"You should be putting him down, not extending his miserable existence." Fenir's voice bounces around the dark room, his shadow taking up most of the limited light. Rain, not far behind him.

Hanna snorts, "If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask." She then flicks the holographic screen and it disappear into thin air. She then brings up another two and taps away again, her eyes shifting between them rapidly, not missing a beat.

"This is not about your wishes, Doc. This is about you risking our lives."

"Oh piss on that solider-boy."

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