Chapter Forty-One: Being Patient is Annoying

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Chapter Forty-One: Being Patient is Annoying

Siem was in the usual preoccupied position at his desk staring down at a number of holographic screens on his desk that lit up his face. I wonder if he gets neck pain...

"Kae," his voice really hit my name with a chill factor and I stare back, waiting for whatever he had to say next. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew I was not going to handle any so called banter at the moment. And he rarely has time for that shit by the looks of it, "I can send you out with a few of my crew to the area you believe that there might be some useful intel on your siblings."

"...What happens if it turns out to be a waste of time?" I ask straight up.

"It is a lead," he simply responds. "Unless you know something that I do not?"

I shake my head. "I'm just checking. It's my neck on the line." I can just imagine the intensified animosity I'll get from Rain -heck Fenir, if there was nothing out there.

He leans back in his chair, smirking at me. "It is an area we are unfamiliar with. I am sure that it will be educational either way. We still have Salford if nothing turns up."

"How soon can we leave?"

"As soon as the pilot stops stuffing his face and gets reasonable amount of sleep, for once."

I can only guess who he's talking about. "Oz."

"He's the only one who can fly the Hollow Kite."

We're getting that giant contraption? I feel a little giddy just imagining being back on it,"...Do I dare ask who's coming as well?"

"Seth has volunteered and so has X. I'm also sending Fenir."

I just died a little on the inside.

"Hanna has also offered herself."
Now I'm decomposing.

"But I have forced her to stay."

Ok, back to just dying.

"Unfortunately I can't really give up anyone else. Since X is refusing to budge on this...replacing him and Seth on missions does take a lot of manpower. But for a simple mission like this X and Seth will be more than enough. If, however, it seems too much to handle, you are to retreat and this time I'm not going to stand for disobeying orders." His eyes flick over to X, "Am I clear? Any issues and you will drag him back."

X slightly bows his head as an understanding, "Yes sir."

He took another long second to stare at X before it came on me. "This is not negotiable."

Uh huh. "There isn't any reason why Lady can't come this time?"

"...You may bring her as well. I also suggest you rethink your wardrobe choices before heading out. A hoodie and sweatpants are not going to cut it out there in the middle of winter. The weather is probably going to be a problem as well."

I wanted to point out the fact that I've literally only got what's given me to wear and snow gear wasn't one of the items.

"We have no current information on the area. Nothing shows up about it in our current database and we are not in contact with any other City officially. Unofficially, they have about the same amount of information. Another reason why I'm not sending a large force with you in case of open hostility, is because we do not need to draw attention to our movements in that area. Not only are we looking for some information on your family, but we are also seeing if there are any useful resources in the area because as far as I'm aware, the area has remained untouched for the last decade. And the last time you were there was estimated two or three years prior." He looked at me to confirm it.

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