Chapter Ten: Torrid Skies

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Chapter Ten: Torrid Skies

As we end up in front of the gate, I don’t see Cody anywhere. Actually, when you think about it…no one was here. All the trucks and soldiers weren’t anywhere to be seen. Did they abandon the gate? Frowning, I take a step closer to the solid thing.

Everything seemed so far away as I stand in front of something that separated those inside from everything horrible and blood-thirsty outside. Had they ever thought about the outside world? Did they consider themselves the glorious chosen to be saved by some God just because they happened to be on the right side of the wall when it went up? Did they feel safe while the rest of us were left outside to be slaughtered? The thoughts made me grit my teeth as I let myself touch the wretched thing. It was…cold. Even with the fire and explosions it was still cold. Not like ice but…similar. And somehow warm as well. I almost close my eyes to feel a pulse under my palm.

“Get down,” Anne calls to me.

I flinch to the side just in time for something to come crashing solidly into the gate. It let out a loud rumble akin to thunder in a steel drum. It was Cody. His fist had sunk deeply into the Gate, leaving a twisted imprint into the metal. But it still stood.

“Fuck!” He mutters as he takes a step back, his fist leaving the dent that he had created. This was probably the first time that something didn’t break under his sheer force.

“Cody!’ I hiss at him.

“What? Kae!?” He was genuinely surprised to see me.

“We leave now.”

“Not until I bring this down.”

Cody,” I exacerbate his name with a breath.

“You go ahead, I’ll catch up.”

Like fuck he will. I glare at him and then looked up at the gate then at the dent he had made. I sigh and look over at Anne. What should I do? We need to find cover since bozo here isn’t going to move.

“How’d it go?” A boy comes running up with a few others that I had never seen before. There was maybe about eight of them and all ranging in age between Cody and me.

“No good. I’m gonna have to try again.” Cody doesn’t look away from the wall. “How’s your end?”

The boy in front wore a grimy white hoodie that he kept over his head far enough so that I couldn’t see his facial features clearly and I presume he was the leader of this ragtag team that Jack must have organised as Cody’s ‘back-up’. “All clear.”

“Good. You lot stay here and look after Kae and Anne while I try again.”

“So that’s your brother and sister?”

The question’s tone sort of irritated me, like he was dissatisfied with something. Well sorry I don’t look like a hulk that can tear down buildings like the jerkward beside me. Cody was going to have to go some distance to let himself get a charging start. I growl as he basically ignores me when he turns around to start again, “Have you thought about what’ll happen when you tear this down?”

“Nope,” his tone uncaring.

The air hisses between my teeth. “What happens if there’s an army on the other side?”

Shrugging, he steps away, “That’s an issue for when it comes down.” This bastard-

“More are coming,” Anne looks dead ahead as army trucks and soldiers began pouring into the streets surrounding us. Terrific.

I pull the blade down to my side. Slash and stab. That’s about as much as I know about using this thing. And I guess that, in the end, is all you need to know. They come at us with guns, pushing us against the gate without much room to move. We’re seriously outnumbered and all routes have been cut off but it wasn’t like there was anywhere we could go to at this point. Cody did his best to keep them away from Anne and myself but there’s only one of him and he couldn’t be everywhere at once. A solider even came at me, his gun turned club came swinging at me now that it was out of bullets. I pull to the side, the blade steady in both hands as I cut him down by swiping through his gut and forcing him to collapse to his knees and finished him off by decapitating him. The held rolls off, still with the gasmask attached and his body flops to the ground in a cascade of blood. I wasn’t able to think about being sick as another solider came up just as quickly to replace him, all the while I’m fully aware that were are all being pushed back into the Fence.

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