Chapter Twenty-Six: City Sights

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A/N: I'll be away for a week and a bit...wish me luck...i'm seriously going to need it :/ 

After I come back, I should be able to look at my other neglected works...if anyone has a preference as to which one i should update first, please tell me :)

Also, I have edited a bit of chapter 25. Nothing just felt off tempo for me


Chapter Twenty-Six: City Sights

We headed down the in the basement level of the building on the elevator in dead silence. Gauging X's moods is really impossible. At the moment it seemed that he didn't want to acknowledge my existence. As the doors open I was hit with a wall of humidity that sucked the cool air from my lungs, leaving me breathless. Coughing while looking out into the stark darkness, I realise that we were in a dimly lit carpark and it brought back the fresh memories from Bellasera harsher than the air.

Am I going to have to do that again? The look on the nameless boy's face as he disappeared pulled apart my heart and I was unable to stop my right hand from clenching on the fabric in front of my chest.

I felt someone's gaze on me and I look up, realising that I had stopped and X was the one looking back at me. I look away from his gaze and tried to get out of his line of sight. A little ways passed a number of thick round columns I could see Siem, an extremely unhappy Rain and a new guy who could have only been Seth as he leans against a wall, smoking on a cigarette absentmindedly. He was of mixed Caucasian and Asian heritage.

Siem looks over at X and I felt there was a hidden message in their eyes, before Siem's slide over to me, "Kae. You know Rain," he motions to Rain who just glares at me before turning away, "and this is Seth."

Seth looked about X's age but his dark eyes held something else in them as he measures me with an appraising look. I surprisingly didn't feel any hostility from him...or anything at all. Which had my guard completely up. It was the same feeling I got from X. They could kill without emotion. Death without reason wasn't a foreign concept for either of them.

"They will be your protectors-"

"You mean babysitters," Rain growls.

I'm never going to make his Christmas card list.

Siem did nothing to combat his words. "Seth will directly receive orders from me. Need or see anything, tell him directly." He then addresses Seth, "Don't be out in the open passed dawn."

"Understood," Seth slightly moves his head in acknowledgment. He drops the cigarette butt and smashes it under his boot.

"Kae. You should know that all three have orders to take you down immediately if they suspect any of your movements."

Just sign my death warrant why don't you? Rain will probably wait until Siem's back's turned and pop bullets into my chest.

"Hold your end of the bargain," I growl at him. I've just about ran out of patience with these people.

 Siem's eyebrow slightly twitches. "Indeed. Normally, I wouldn't send someone of questionable ability out into the open like this. But if a tool presents itself as a better option than sacrificing my men, I will exploit it."

Knows how to make me feel all special. "I got it." I got it the first time round when he fucking wakes me up at three in the morning.

"Good. Seth, it's all on you."

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