Chapter Thirty-Four: Grim Reaper

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A/N: Hi :3

Sorry the chapter is a little short but I really wanted to post something up tonight. I'm still in the middle of writing up the other two works and I hope to have an update for one of them by next weekend. 

If not, I will be on holidays for Easter in 2/3 weeks and will definitely be updating them :)

Till then, thank you for being so patient with me and I apologise immensely for the lag in everything. Work is extremely busy...and will be for a really really long time. Being paid helps though (just)


Chapter Thirty-Four: Grim Reaper

Letting out a breath, Seth waited for Siem's next move...and fix the lights/assess just how much damage Kae unleashed. He had recounted the events, as had X but Kae was, well, incapacitated at the moment. The gashes along his shoulder were festered and meant he wasn't completely immune to a Queen. They were shallow but they continued to seep black goo, even through the layers and layers of white bandages that are now wrapped around them. The boy's form was completely exposed without the hoodie. Seth had made the joke about his weight but in all seriousness, looking at him now, the kid was almost malnourished. Dark circles ringed his eyes and he looked like he was on the verge of slipping into a coma, even in his sleep. But despite all his 'human', his right arm completely subtracted from it, making almost everyone in the room warily glance at it every now and the giant glowing tiger sticking to his side probably didn't help. The tiger, Lady, stares into the boy's face, nudging him every now and then with her nose in distress.

Siem had sent out some of his men (and Hanna was chained to the floor to stop from joining them) to profile the 'Old World' rain and storm water system, collect the left over sludge that was once the Queen and the bits flaking away and washing into that goddamn lake. They had also collected the information for the holographic reconstruction of the area that Kae just destroyed and from the somewhat angry discussion Seth could overhear Siem having, Kae royally fucked almost all the data over.

They were stuck watching Siem relaying the orders back in his office through the door he left open and refusing to dismiss them just yet. Rain was in a corner as far removed from the kid as possible, busily glaring at the sod but at least was retaining the need to verbally contribute to the mess.

But X, as rare as it was, was holding onto Kae like he was something precious...a human emotion that Seth could bet was virtually foreign to a manufactured Death God.

X was far more in tune with that part of him that was created to be that perfect weapon on the battlefield than any other of his kind and probably ever will be. Seth could vividly recall such a time when X was an indestructible killing machine. In such a lop-sided battle, a single small form emerges from the bodies and fire. It had the form of a child, no more than fourteen, eyes reflecting the surroundings with perfect precision, never wavering, never shifting from the single goal; kill.

It darted around the battlefield like a ghost, tearing everything limb from limb without restraint or feeling.

Seth was another subject forced to undertake the experiments but he could never recreate the same results or beauty of death that, that X had. Because Oz and Siem saved him before he completely lost his humanity. Something he was quietly grateful for everyday.

X never had that luxury.

So it was surprising to all of them at just how...was the word 'obsessed'?- X was becoming with Kae. But then again no one has ever heard of a Miasmic Beast sitting in a room of humans without wanting to tear them to shreds. There was something...'special' or maybe 'off' about this Outsider.

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