Chapter Twenty-Four: Cats in Elevators

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Cats in Elevators

"Um..I don't know where to start." Mist looks away nervously.

I shrug, "What's this floor then? Starting here is as good as anywhere else right?"

She nods before heading away from Siem's door. "So this floor is basically where we hold any briefs for missions or meetings...otherwise it's mainly just Siem's floor." Mist moves through the deserted hallways as our shoes and footpads were the only indication that we were the only ones around.

'What is Dreamer doing?' Lady wonders a little behind me, sniffing every now and then. The weird clinical scents were even making my nose itchy.

'Looking around a new territory.' I try to think of it as she might see it.

'...Is it Dreamer's? There is no scent that it is.'

'Not mine. Rather it is the man that we just saw,' the image of Siem flickered through my thoughts, 'Yep. Him. It's his and everyone around here.'

'...Then is not good. Territory is not owned.'

'It's ok. We are here as guests. Part of a pack.' For now.

'Not right...but will follow.'

Sorry, Lady.


"Hmm?" I snap out of the emotions that Lady was pulverising me with.

"Are you ok? You were really out of it just then," Mist peers up into my face, stopping me in my tracks.

"Ah, sorry. Lady was asking me something and it gets...a bit distracting."

"How cool," she grins offhandedly, taking me by surprise.


"How many people do you meet are able to talk with a giant tiger as you do?"

"Normally those who are taken away in straight-jackets," I mutter.

She shakes her head, "I still think it's cool. Well, um. Anyway, we're at the lift."

She presses the button indicating that she wanted to go down that was on the wall in front of us. I'm not sure if Lady's going to agree to this, I couldn't help but look up at her as she lazily licks her chops.

"We could take the stairs if you'd prefer," Mist must have caught on. She indicated to the door beside the life, just as the door open.

'Can you ride it?' I indicate to Lady, the box-like room that just opened. This just screams claustrophobia.

She looked at it and I feel her mental shrugging at me before she puts herself (somehow) into the box. There was enough room for Mist and myself.

"She seems ok with it," I shrug, getting on.

'It's small.'

Spoke too soon.

But other than that, she didn't move away from the lift.

"It's a good thing that we have reinforced elevators installed," Mist states absentmindedly while pressing on a button that was floor '5', "We made it so that twenty people can get on in a hurry."

I noticed that floor 5 was the lowest floor besides ground or basement. "I'm guessing there's no one through four on this?" And I swear there were more floor above us.

"What? Oh? We only own floors five through to ten. The rest of the building is owned by other helps when we technically don't exist."

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