Chapter Nine: Insanities

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Chapter Nine: Insanities

Cody was rushing through the torrents of fire and bullets like a mad man. He didn’t distinguish between the two sides that had started this war. But why would he? They were both the same as far as he was concerned. And now that he had figured out that he could leap high into the air with the strength in his legs, he could leap up and smash through any sort of aerial machine within reach.

Even now as I was running as fast as I could along the ground, I saw him leap up to an armoured helicopter and take out those inside and getting away at the last second as it tumbles to earth, ending up as a giant fireball.

He began hopping between rooftops, increasing his distance from us, until eventually he was completely out of sight. But I knew exactly where he was going. The Fence. Even after everything, he’s heading for the goddamn Fence.

“Next street,” Anne calls beside me.

As we turned down an alley that lead to a street over, I hear an explosion with a wall of heat lapping at my back and a wave of force almost knocks me off my feet. …I’m not even going to think about how close that was. As we head down another avenue, I realise that we were back in Deadside. I look around and saw that nothing was the same.

Something like a bomb must have gone off as everything looked like ground zero of a tornado. The ground was scorched and the fires raging around us lit it up just show it was nothing but black. Gone were the living. Now only reigned by the dead. Bodies of soldiers and those who lived out here littered the ground. Some were bits and pieces and others were whole. But I couldn’t tell who was who or what was what. The smell of engine oil and god knows what else filled my nostrils as my eyes water at the smoke trying to blind me. I almost stand on a decapitated hand while slowing down to look around. It was hell. Pure hell.

I move to cover my face but the tug on muscle reawakened the pain in my shoulder that still has yet to stop bleeding. And running around the countryside isn’t exactly helping. I put my opposite arm onto my shoulder, stifling a scream behind tightly shut lips, I look over to find Anne rummaging through some of the filth.

I make my way over to her and see I moment later she was tugging on something from under a soldier’s body and was having difficulty. I kneel down beside her and help her pull it out with my injured arm. As I did, a piece of pure midnight slip from under the body and in my hand now it that fucking blade. I swear…

“You’re going to need it,” Anne said tightly. While looks at the blade, we both hear the body we just moved, groan. Anne takes a frightened step back as the solider raises a gun at us. And without a second thought, I bury the blade into his throat. The gun immediately drops form his gloved fingers. As he twitches and gurgles on his own blood, I stand in shock at what I just did.

Anne smacks into my back, “Don’t think. You don’t have time to think. Move!”

I shakily take a step back, the blade retracting from the man’s throat. He was still alive and the blood pours faster now that the hole wasn’t blocked by a blade. I severed the windpipe and the air escapes as chortled blood burst through.

“Kae!” Anne snaps at me but my mind is still too far away.

That was far, far too easy. To take someone’s life like it was…it was nothing. I don’t know the person under the mask. I don’t know his name, his age or even if he has a family- 

“Kae! Move now! Crisis later!”

Man she’s snippy. I force myself to look away as the nameless solider finally stops choking on his lifeblood. I can still feel how easy the blade slid down into his throat like it was butter. I think I’m gonna be sick.

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