Chapter 61: A bowl of wontons

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Su Tang searched the Internet again and said, "I found it, I will send you the link."

"Okay, I'll take a look at it later in the evening." Qin Zhou nodded.

"Then are you going to have a bed scene with Lin Chixiao?" Su Tang was a little curious.

Qin Zhou shook his head: "I don't know. I haven't finished the script yet. I'll read it later in the evening."

Even if you want to make a bed scene, it's nothing, it's just a bed scene anyway.

Qin Zhou continued to clean up the room, while Su Tang helped to clean up for a while, and asked, "Does grandma stay here or transfer to the hospital in Nancheng?"

Qin Zhou said, "Let's stay here for surgery first."

He has a new show now, and the salary is also very good, so he can perform surgery on his grandmother.

It's just that the old man is getting old, and it's too much trouble to transfer to another hospital, so it's better to stay here.

It just so happened that he was going to join the group for filming at the end of the month. Even if he brought his grandmother to Nancheng, he didn't have time to take care of it, so he kept it as it was for the time being.

Qin Zhou organized the living room until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Tang had already left, and Qin Zhou also took the clothes and went to the bathroom first.

After taking a bath, Qin Zhou lay on the bed and clicked on the link sent by Su Tang.

The mobile phone automatically jumped to the novel page. Qin Zhou looked at it and found that the author wrote a separate article and wrote a side story from the general's perspective.

There are more than 70,000 words in the extravaganza. Qin Zhou watched it slowly. When he was halfway through, he really saw the **** scene between the general and the piano master.

After the general was injured, he hid in the teahouse to recuperate, and the piano master took care of him. The night before the general was to leave, he took the initiative to ride on it.

Qin Zhou recalled, he remembered that there was also this scene of injury in the original text, but there was no such ride, and the general left immediately after the injury was healed. And the piano master hid in the room alone and cried after the general left.

At that time, when he was reading the text, he didn't quite understand why the piano master cried, but he didn't understand until now after watching the extras, because the piano master admired the general.

After watching Fanwai, Qin Zhou quickly took out the script and flipped through it, and found the scene where the general was injured.

However, the plot in the script is the same as the main text. After the general was wounded, he left directly. There was no bed scene.

The next morning, Qin Zhou went to the hospital.

When Qin Zhou passed by, grandma was still resting in bed, and there was a drama playing on the radio next to her.

Qin Zhou didn't disturb the old man, and quietly accompanied him for a while, and then went to the doctor again, wanting to prepare for surgery.

But when Qin Zhou asked about the operation, he was told that the operation could not be done.

"There is only one doctor in our hospital who can perform this operation, but he had an accident a few days ago and broke his right hand, so he cannot perform the operation for the time being," the doctor explained.

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