Dying to Meet You.

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*Sera's POV*

"And you don't remember changing or washing?"

"I didn't do it. I was upset and well, I was feeling sorry for myself and then I noticed I had this gown under the hoodie that wasn't there. And my hair is clean now, and my nails. It's weird. I don't understand it." The priest shakes his head.

"I've been confused for hours now." He chuckles. "You've been here all night, my brothers should be here soon though. Do you mind to speak with them?"

"I do not mind. It's the least I could do for your kindness."

He sits down across from me and we talk about life, God, childhoods, favorite snacks and hobbies. He has deep laugh lines around his mouth and eyes, I can tell he has experienced just as much happiness as he has sorrows in this world. I tell him this and he laughs and pats his plump belly.

"I've experienced the good foods too." I giggle and swat at his arm which only cracks him up.

"You've missed. You'll have better luck next time." He winks. I fake offense.

"Would you listen to that? They are here! I'll bring them to you. Pardon me." He eases himself up and to the back entrance of the church. I'm nervous as I wait. I expect the worst. I'm a dead creature of who knows what origins. They'll probably try to perform an exorcism. I smile morbidly to myself. I said I wanted to be free, and human again but look at me. Even in death I still don't quite belong. I suppose I'm free enough though. Be careful what you wish for. A group of men enter, ou f mixed ethnicities and ages. Each eyeing me warily as I smile and pat the bench beside me in what I hope is a friendly gesture and not creepy given my appearance.

"Hello. You are dead?" The younger one asks. I snort.

"Hello. Yes, unfortunately I am. It sucks." I shrug and he nervously gives a soft laugh.

"I imagine it does, I am sorry. I am Ethan. You are?"

"Seraphine. Don't be. In a way it's probably better. Hey! I'm free now." I smile. The others watch my face with horrified expressions. "Oh. Oh crap. The teeth." I cover my mouth. "I'm sorry."

"What are you, Seraphine?" One of the elders asks. His skin is dark and smooth save for the salt and peppervstuble on his chin. Even his brows are slightly grey. He has neat dark ha oh growth a long stripe of greys along his ear, it makes him look distinguished.

"I'm not certain. I lived my whole life believing I was a human. I was told my father is an incubus and that I am similar to a cambion, but not exactly. I'm something else too, I think, but it's hard to remember. Everything is so distant and fuzzy."

"So you would be partial succubus?" I nod uncomfortably. He eyes the priest that I befriended. "Mathias, you brought a succubus into our church?"

"I will not have her questioned. She is benign. Helpful. She has not harmed a single thing here, only sought refuge."

"Will we allow all charming demons shelter here from now on?"

"She is no demon." Mathias counters. I clear my throat.

"I don't entirely know what I am, but I would never harm you. Mathias interrogated me well and monitored me for hours before granting my stay. He is a kind man, he would not allow me here if I were a threat. It was only for one night. I'm leaving today. I only wanted to be warm and to rest my mind in hopes my memory will be restored. I'm looking for a preteen child who was in my care. His name is Axar. I need to know if he's safe. I don't know of the demon who aided in my death had attacked him or not. I need to know that he is alright." The man looks down uncomfortably.

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