Chapter 16: Zhang Haiyan Flying Above Shit

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Steven was wearing a robe that had been modified from pajamas, and Zhang Haiyan had written a lot of small English words on his face. Steven was holding a sign in his hand that had a big English word painted on it: Psychic.

They were in Zhang Haiyan's room, where he had just finished putting makeup on Steven. He circled around Steven twice, and decided he looked rather convincing as someone who had some kind of European magic.

"What are you trying to do? I'm a man of science. I don't believe in this kind of stuff," Steven said. Even though he was extremely mad, he still cooperated politely. He seemed like a very rule-abiding person.

"Foreign monks are good at reciting scriptures [1]," Zhang Haiyan said.

In Malacca, those ship doctors with advanced western medical skills made people form the notion that western doctors could treat illnesses better. Witchcraft and Taoism were also popular, so a lot of people pretended to engage in it. On the ship, superstition and science were different things, so a western warlock who looked like a doctor and a magician could generate a lot of stories.

"I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand. You just need to know that you have to read the Bible to me for the rest of the day." Zhang Haiyan went to the toilet and started putting makeup on his own hands.

He painted the Wudou disease measles on his arms. He had seen many people infected with the disease, so he was able to draw the measles vividly. He covered them up before wandering outside with Steven.

Zhang Haiyan wandered around until it was dark out, and deliberately greeted a lot of people along the way. He was very conspicuous in his military uniform, and a lot of people were impressed by him. He asked Steven to follow behind him where others could see him, but not to walk with him.

Steven looked grim as everyone pointed at him and whispered to each other, but he didn't get angry. He even became a little curious since he didn't know what Zhang Haiyan was trying to do.

Around eight o'clock that evening, Zhang Haiyan arrived at the third-class cabin's activity area. Some goods had been piled up there. It was said that a part of the cargo hold was changed into the third-class cabin, so the cargo had been piled on the deck. Even so, there were still a lot of people in the activity area looking out at the sea and chatting with each other.

Steven was really tired by this point and ended up leaning against the ship's railing. He had to admit that he couldn't keep up with Zhang Haiyan, who was still full of energy and didn't look like he had been walking around all day.

Steven was looking into the distance when he was suddenly attracted by an Asian woman next to him. She was a girl with a wonderful figure who was walking past him.

Steven looked at the girl's legs and found that they were very long. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a little sleepy. When he turned his head again, he saw that Zhang Haiyan was gone.

He hurriedly walked over to where Zhang Haiyan had been before and saw everyone walking in the same direction. After taking a few more steps, he saw Zhang Haiyan lying on the ground, constantly twitching.

Steven walked over, completely puzzled. He saw that Zhang Haiyan's arms were exposed, and his hands were full of rashes. When everyone saw them as well, they didn't dare step forward. One person screamed, "Plague!"

This person obviously had seen people infected with Wudou disease. After the person screamed, a few people moved forward to get a closer look. Once they did, they immediately retreated and shouted, "Plague! He has the symptoms! Don't get close to him."

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