Chapter 21: Nepenthes

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Zhang Haiyan's attack lasted for seven minutes. Based on his previous experience, the battle should have been over in an instant, but he didn't expect that the two assassins were able to ward him off. Even though it was absolutely clear that Zhang Haiyan had the upper hand, the two killers didn't panic at all.

For ordinary people, two fists, two feet, two elbows, and two knees were just a few of the parts that could be used to kill their opponents. But Zhang Haiyan also had blades under his tongue.

When Zhang Haiyan completely focused on attacking, he was like an animal. Not only would the blades suddenly shoot out from his mouth, but they would also slash the opponents' throats and wrists. It was impossible to fight him using ordinary people's reaction speed. But seven minutes later, the two killers already had more than a dozen injuries and still weren't panicking.

Because he had inhaled the poison gas, Zhang Haiyan's attack soon came to a halt. His lungs started to burn, and his movements gradually slowed down. The two assassins finally found a chance and threw their daggers. As soon as Zhang Haiyan dodged, the two immediately rushed out of the corridor, ran to the restaurant, and started clapping their hands.

Zhang Haiyan chased after them. There were numerous doors to the restaurant, so the two killers had quickly separated and rushed into the darkness.

Zhang Haiyan picked one of them and moved to give chase, but his lungs suddenly hurt and he knelt down. He took a few deep breaths, coughed a few times, and instantly calmed down.

His opponents were too well-organized.

I shouldn't chase them. Since they clapped their hands just now, there may be a second trap. Moreover, I've been exposed and my internal organs are hurt.

Zhang Haiyan immediately returned and helped He Jianxi up. He Jianxi leaned against the wall, looked at the policemen's bodies, and started to throw up.

"You really went and reported me, cousin," Zhang Haiyan said.

"They found me when they were patrolling. Stowaways are going to be incarcerated. I don't want to be incriminated because of you. I'm going to San Francisco. I don't have the money to buy another ticket."

"You should realize that you are the stowaway on this ship. I have a ticket." Zhang Haiyan pulled the ticket stub from his pocket and looked down at the policemen's bodies. They had all been killed in an instant. "You had no intention of killing them, but they died because of you."

He Jianxi was obviously shocked and sad, and didn't know what else to say.

"What happened on this ship?" He Jianxi asked him. "What the hell is going on? Who are you?"

"I already said that I would tell you. These people might be pirates. We have to put aside our personal grievances for now. Otherwise, the money on the ship will be stolen, and the women will be ruined."

"The women won't be ruined," He Jianxi said. "Those people were women."

"Women?" Zhang Haiyan froze for a second. The fight was so intense just now that he didn't even notice.

"I can tell that they're women by their smell."

Zhang Haiyan clutched his chest as he looked at He Jianxi and asked, "What do women smell like?" He had no idea what kind of life people with a good sense of smell were living every day.

He Jianxi stayed silent as he watched Zhang Haiyan pick up the gas mask and drag the policemen's bodies into the infirmary.

"If they're pirates, we have to warn the people on the ship. What are you doing?"

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