(Extra Story: Southern Xinjiang Volume) Chapter 14: Master Fei Kun

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Wulang Huazha kept looking for the Taoist priest in the woods. In the darkness, blood kept flowing down his face from his wound.

He wasn't worried that his eye would go blind. He was more worried about the fact that he didn't know his fate.

The person behind him was leaning against his back, fast asleep. This person's behavior was unpredictable and it was very possible that he would kill him afterwards, but Wulang Huazha didn't dare act rashly. Since this person's abilities were extraordinary, he had no confidence that he could really plot against him.

"Your heart is beating very fast." Just as Wulang Huazha's killing intent suddenly rose up and he wanted to fight the other party, a lazy voice came from behind him. It made him feel as if he had been dropped into an ice cellar and all his killing intent disappeared in an instant.

Little Brother Zhang felt that things were getting weirder. When he was in Potluck Capital just now, everything was still normal. So why did this normal wedding procession suddenly become so strange and creepy? Was it normal for the people here to behave so strangely?

Little Brother Zhang only liked it when people couldn't read him. He didn't like it when he couldn't see through others.

He didn't believe in coincidences. When he was walking with Zhang Haiqi on the streets, he got distracted and was a little overexcited. Now that he had calmed down, he wondered whether it was a coincidence that the bride had gotten off the horse and bit him.

He was the only one who was acting strangely on the streets after all, so it might have attracted the bride's attention. Maybe her choosing him wasn't destiny, but an accident.

The bride was very desperate, so maybe she found a random person to rescue her.

But how did he look like someone who could save people? What he had done on the streets only made him look like a total pervert.

If that wasn't the case, then things were getting outrageous. He didn't believe that he would just randomly meet a bride who would react upon seeing his tattoo. If he thought about it in reverse, the only way for this to make sense was that everyone in Potluck Capital recognized this kind of tattoo, which meant the patriarch had great influence here.

As he finished this thought, he said to Wulang Huazha, "Hey." He then leaned forward under Wulang Huazha's armpit, pulled his clothes open, and lit a flare to illuminate his exposed chest. "Does everyone here recognize these kinds of tattoos?"

Wulang Huazha glanced at Little Brother Zhang's chest, his face instantly turning pale when he saw the tattoo. Little Brother Zhang immediately knew the answer.

Wulang Huazha stopped his horse and knelt down. "I didn't know you're such a formidable figure. Since you're so extraordinary, I should've known you work for Fei Kun Balu."

"Fei Kun Balu?" Little Zhang thought for a moment. "Balu" was a mythological title that meant "warrior".

Little Brother Zhang got off the horse and fixed his clothes. "Everyone here knows our Master Fei Kun?"

"People in many of the surrounding villages here worship Fei Kun Balu. The believers all have tattoos like this on their chests. You can go to them if there's an injustice and there's a possibility that Fei Kun Balu himself will come out and help," Wu Lang Huazha said as he lowered his head.


Little Brother Zhang touched his chin. "Religious leader?" His eyes lit up. "Not only has the patriarch established a clan here, but he also has a religious community. No wonder he's the patriarch."

Everything made sense now. Little Brother Zhang touched the back of his neck. "Are there shrines for Fei Kun Balu here?"

"There are temples. There are many temples."

Little Brother Zhang almost laughed. "I thought the Zhang family was screwed, but it turns out they even have temples."

He looked at the wedding procession in the distance. He wanted to leave it all behind and go to the temples immediately, but Zhang Haiqi was still among the procession.

He frowned. "Then the wedding procession really is just sending off the bride."

Wulang Huazha suddenly spoke up, "By the way, this bride is going to spend the night in a Fei Kun temple tonight." 


Translator's Note: This is the end of Southern Xinjiang extra... for now. But hey, now we know Poker-face is also called Fei Kun Balu.


End of Southern Xinjiang Volume Extra Story 

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