The Mystery Fighter III (4)

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I wiped my fingers with a napkin before reaching for the vibrating phone on the coffee table in our living room.

«Cassie? Hey, are you busy right now?» Julian's voice sounded muffled on the other end of the line. I swallowed the pizza in my mouth before answering no.

He hesitated before continuing, his voice noticeably more clear. «I need some advice... on some gang-related things.»

I frowned at the request. Sitting up on the couch, I put the pizza slice in my hand down on the coffee table before adjusting the phone to my ear. I motioned for Celine to turn down the volume on the television before urging him to continue.

«Alex and Chris ran into some conflict with a gang selling drugs. Let's just say, they're indebted to them. They seemed convinced that the guys wouldn't cause them any trouble, but I don't know, Cassie. This reminds me of what happened last year with my da-, uh Mike.»

I stayed silent for a moment, needing a second to register what he said.

«What did you want me to do about it?» I eventually mumble back, absently picking at the slice of pepperoni on the pizza in front of me.

«I don't know, I just wanted some help in figuring out what the best way to solve this thing was. And I figured that you would know the smartest way to get out of this given your experience with this kind of...stuff.»

Although the mention of a foreign gang possibly targeting someone so close to my home gave me a slight chill of anxiety, I couldn't find it in me to feel bad for his two friends. If they were being hunted down for not paying their debt, it was their own fault for buying the drugs in the first place.

However, aware of Julian's fear for his friends, I made sure to choose my words carefully.

«Look, if this gang is bothering and have actively been targeting your guys, then they should probably take this up with the police or something. If nothing seems out of the ordinary and you haven't met any of these people since, you probably have nothing to worry about.»

«I don't think going to the police would help if they knew Alex and Chris bought, sold, and used the drugs along with the gang,» Julian muttered regretfully.

I huffed at his words, shaking my head at the situation. Of course his friends would be foolish enough to dabble in the arts of drug distribution in affiliation with a street gang.

«Yeah, buying, distributing, and using weed will no doubt get them a hefty sentence in court. Though, the judge might take into consideration the fact that the gang was making them sell it.»

Before Julian could get too hopeful, I continued, «-but they still did it voluntarily to get the weed. They always had a choice, and so for that they probably wouldn't get let off the hook.»

I heard Julian sigh in frustration on the other end of the call. Picking up the pizza again, I took a big bite before settling on a possible solution to give him.

«If your friends find themselves being stalked or caught up in more trouble with these people, make sure that they contact the police and get them busted as soon as possible. They'll play the roles as the victims and they probably won't even be charged for any of the distributing they did in the past.»

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now