The Mystery Fighter III (11)

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I rested on the seat of my motorcycle. Currently outside a gas station, I had parked just a few blocks away from the thrift store I had met the gang behind. 

With a lit cigarette in hand, I exhaled a puff of smoke as my fingers pressed the buttons on my phone.

Julian answered on the second ring.

«Hey Julian, where are you right now?»

Julian's voice sounded slightly muffled at the other end of the line. «Travis and I are out driving right now. What's happening?»

«Have you talked to Chris and Alex about the money they owe?» I asked, absently tapping the cigarette with my index finger. I watched as some of the burnt paper fell onto the tip of my shoe.

A huff sounded over the phone. «Yes, I've talked to them.»

«Have they sent the money, then?»

«Not yet. But they've opened up to the idea of reporting it to the police,» Julian answered, sounding relieved.

Sighing, I reached up and pressed a palm against my forehead, my elbows resting on the handles of the bike. A low pounding was starting at the front of my head.

«There's not enough time for that right now,» I replied through gritted teeth, shaking the remaining cigarette ashes off my shoe.

A tinge of frustration grew in my stomach. I took a drag to calm my nerves before continuing.

«Just... tell them to transfer the money to the account for now, then we can start talking about reporting it to the police.»

«Weren't you the one pushing to report it to the police in the first place, Cass?»

I chewed on my lip, contemplating telling him the threat of Pete and his boys showing up at Elisabeth's doorstep tomorrow morning. If I did, he would be curious about how I had gotten that information.

Then again, there was no reason for me to lie.

«I found the crew that came after you outside the club last weekend. I overheard them saying they would seek you out tomorrow if the money is not transferred before the end of the day. They have Elisabeth's address, Julian. So, please. For your and Elisabeth's sake, get those damn friends of yours to pay the debt already.»

Silence was all I heard on the phone.

«Did you hear-»

«They have our address?» Julian suddenly asked, his tone grim. «How did they get that?»

His voice sounded clearer through the mobile speaker, his attention now fully on the conversation.

«Once they know your name and close circle of friends, a quick internet search could certainly give them the information they need.»

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now