The Mystery Fighter III (8)

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When I arrived at Zayden's apartment, Rick was on the phone with Brock. 

At the sound of my arrival Rick looked up at me from where he sat on the couch, and silently beckoned me in.

My eyes swept over the room as I entered. Zayden was nowhere to be found.

Placing the bag I had bought with takeaway food on the kitchen counter, I slowly made my way over to where Rick sat, quietly listening in on their conversation.

«He said they weren't big. Probably just a debt collecting crew who had mistaken him for someone else,» Rick continued into the phone.

Brock's muffled voice sounded over the speaker. «Or, they knew exactly who Zayden was, and targeted him.»

Rick shook his head at Brock's words, and held the phone closer to his mouth. «But it's well known that Zayden isn't a part of our crew anymore...»

«A bad grudge then, perhaps?»

I quickly realised that they were talking about the people who assaulted Zayden. From their conversation, it seemed they were sure that it was gang related.

«Maybe. Keep your ears open for more information about this over in Range, alright? It didn't seem as though he knew anything more than the information he already has given.»

Rick carelessly tossed the phone onto the couch after hanging up and ran a hand over his face. 

Finally, he looked up at me and offered a tight-lipped smile.

«Zayden's in the shower. He'll probably be out in a couple of minutes.»

I nodded and let my eyes wander across the room again. The floors were cleaned, not a speck of blood in sight. Rick had been busy.

I brought my attention back to Zayden's crew member. His hair was a mess, his shirt was only halfway buttoned up, and his glasses were placed carelessly on top of his medical bag next to the couch. 

He didn't seem to have gotten much sleep. For some reason, I felt guilty.

«You must be hungry. I bought some food on the way. You want some?» I motioned to the bag on the counter.

Rick held his hands up in front of him. «That's nice of you, but I'm actually thinking of heading out and getting some food myself. I need to go check up on the place Zayden got confronted yesterday. He was certain that his phone would be at the scene there somewhere.»

«Zayden lost his phone?»

He nodded as he stood up from the couch. I could hear the faint sound of his back cracking as he stretched his hands over his head. 

«Apparently one of the guys had knocked the phone out of Zayden's hand at one point. If I'm lucky, the phone should still be there on the sidewalk today. That is, unless the crew snatched it with them on the retreat.»

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now