The Mystery Fighter III (1)

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«This is bullshit. Pete, you aren't actually considering listening to this man, are you?»

Pete considered his friend's words before stealing a cautious glance back at the unfamiliar man looking to make a deal with him and his crew. 

Consisting of only six people, Pete's crew depended on drug trade, debt collecting, and the occasional smaller scale crime to avoid getting run over by the bigger, more rooted gangs in the area. Though Pete admittedly found it hardly possible for his small numbered crew to overthrow a much bigger, established gang for a better territory in the city, he couldn't help entertaining the idea.

An ex-gang member with insider information on rival gangs, working for his crew.

It seemed too good to be true.

Pete watched the supposed ex-gang member warily. Ignoring his crew members, Peter continued the dialogue with the strange man.

«What's it to you?»

The man's shoulders raised in a lazy shrug, his stance nonchalant. «I gain nothing by going back on my word. If what I'm saying is the truth your crew gets enough information to attack your biggest rival's next move and take their place on the top. I get to watch the people that abandoned me get beaten off their high horse, plus a share of the price at the top. If I'm lying and turn out to work with said rival gang, I feed you the wrong information and the people behind me get to eliminate themselves of an insignificant and unproblematic crew like yourself. The latter wouldn't make any sense now, would it? Why would I bother doing all of this just to rid the city of six street kids.»

Pete gestured for his men to settle down after hearing the man's insulting words. The newcomer wasn't all wrong, and it took some confidence and gut to speak this way to six men that could beat him up within a second. 

Either this man was truthful in his words of assistance, or he was crazy.

Pete looked the man up and down. The man's dark brown hair framed his fierce green eyes like curtains, looking matted and tangled from the downpour that stopped only a few minutes ago. 

Pete let the man's answer hang in the air for a minute before offering the man a short nod in acknowledgment.

«How about you give me and my crew the answers to a couple of questions on this gang's whereabouts. Then we'll get back to you this time tomorrow with our decision. If you're words prove correct,» Pete glanced at his crew members, who all nodded in agreement, «you have a deal.»


A silver pendant rested in the palm of my hand.

Beautifully crafted patterns covered the length of it, curling around the edges of the jewellery like a vine would a tree. The pendant connected with a thin thread that attached at the back of my neck.

When opening the pendant, a picture of my parents appeared inside, like a secret chest opening for my eyes only. And what a pretty sight they were, my parents. Such a contrast to the dirty toilet stall I was currently sitting in, only moments before I would receive my college diploma in the stadium outside.

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