The Mystery Fighter III (6)

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I stared aimlessly at the pamphlet on the table as I picked at the half-eaten sandwich on the plate in front of me. 

Filled with coupons and discounts from local stores, the brochure had certainly been of good use during the shopping trip I did this morning. Though the day had been productive, time seemed to have gotten ahead of me today.

After stopping by Elisabeth's house to water her plants while she was away, I had just barely managed to get Celine to a birthday party at her friend's house on time. Having ended up in traffic right at the busiest hour on my way back home, I realised I sucked at time management.

Now, however, as I was sat eating my leftovers from lunch at the kitchen island, time couldn't have gone by any slower.

When did my weekends become so dull?

Oh, that's right. Ever since I stopped spending my weekends at the bar or on the street.

Gathering the coupons I had still yet to use into the kitchen drawer, I swiftly crumbled the rest of the pamphlet into a ball and threw it in the already overflowing trashcan. I would have to remember to take the trash out before the truck came by tomorrow.

The distorted ringing from my phone caught my attention as I headed to the living room to watch some television. Although there was nothing that interested me on the few channels we had available, it was better than sitting in silence with only my own thoughts to entertain me. Maybe I would have to find a book to read on my free time, as Julian had suggested a couple of weeks ago. Not that he read too many of those.

I was surprised to see Zayden's name on the caller ID. I ignored the way my heart sped up as I accepted the call.

«You doing anything tonight?»

I cocked my head at the question, recalling him saying that he wouldn't be back in town until tomorrow afternoon.

«Um, just planning on hanging out at the apartment.» I sat back in the couch and started searching for the television remote. «How about you? Anything special happening in Range tonight?»

«Actually, I figured I'd come back earlier from Range,» he replied. «Meet me behind the bar in an hour. I have something I want to show you.»

I paused, processing his words in silent confusion. In one hour? He must have already started driving back from Range a couple of hours ago then.

When I didn't reply right away, he teasingly added «that is, if you would rather want to hang out with me than with your television tonight.»

I smiled and agreed to meet up in an hour, a wave of excitement building in me as I thought about what he had in mind for tonight. He certainly was no predictable man, one minute playing the role of a reserved and indifferent leader, then the next almost making me flush uncomfortably by his forwardness.

With nothing else to do in the meantime, I spent the next hour hour getting ready.

Running the comb through my newly washed hair, I stared at my reflection through the foggy mirror. I couldn't help but take extra notice of the way my appearance looked now compared to how it did just a year ago. As I put my hair into a french braid I noticed that the dark circles under my eyes were less prominent. Probably due to my change in sleep schedule. My collarbones didn't protrude as much as when we were living on two meals a day. Upon the recommendation from Elisabeth, I had even bought a moisturising cream for my skin. And although it was still slightly dry, my hair looked healthier, and less rough. Though the lifestyle changes seemed small, the effect in my complexion was showing. I couldn't say I disliked it.

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now