Moments (Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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'u fat whore, u dont deserve harry. he deserves any1 but u'

I covered my hand with my mouth, tears stinging my eyes as I read the tweet. I really needed to delete it. Harry had convinced me to get one so he could post pictures of us and tag me in them. I closed the laptop and buried my head in my hands. My dog Caesar came up and sat next to me, resting his head on my knee. I rubbed his head and took a deep breath, wiping the tears from my eyes before going to take off my makeup. I looked at the drawer that held the dark part of my life, but shook my head and reached for my make-up remover.

There was a knock on my flat door after I had taken off all my makeup and was lounging around in sweats and a jersey top. I went over and looked through the peep-hole, seeing Harry standing there with a few bags in his hands. I opened up the door and blocked Caesar with my leg so he couldn't run out and ambush Harry too early.

"Hey." I said as he walked in.

"Hey." He responded, kissing me and setting the bags on my kitchen table. "I was in that store you liked because Louis told me I should probably get you something since I forced you to get a Twitter against your will." He smiled, reaching into one of the bags to get something.

"What smells like food?" I asked, peering into some of the bags.

"I got some dinner for us because I just kind of barged in." He told me. "Plus it's getting close to that time."

"This also caught my eye while I was walking by." He said, pulling a smaller bag out of one of the bigger ones.

"What's this one?" I asked, looking into a bag with boy clothes in it.

"Oh, that's for me. I got a little distracted."

"And decided to get jeans?" I asked, pulling a pair out and looking at him.

"Yeah. Open this up." He said, handing me the small bag. It was a gift bag, so I guess he didn't want me to know what was in it. I reached in and pulled out all the tissue paper before pulling out a small velvet box.

"What is this?" I asked as I opened it up. It was a Claddaugh ring with a diamond for the heart. He knew I was half Irish.

"It's a ring." He said, coming closer to me. "There's another thing in there too."

I looked at him and felt around in the bottom of the bag and came out with a bigger velvet box. He took it away from me and opened the top for me. There was a diamond pendant inside. He always treated me like this, ever since our three-month anniversary.

"It's beautiful." I said, smiling at him and I kissed him. He took it out of the box and put it on me.

"You know how to wear these rings, so just tell me how to put it on." He said, picking up the ring.

"Right hand, fourth finger with the tips of the crown facing you." He put it on the right way and looked at me.

"What does it mean?" He asked.

"It means I'm not single, but I'm not married either. I'm considering love." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. I loved him so much. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to kiss me.

"I love you." He murmured against my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"What were you doing before?" He asked, looking at the television.

"The Holiday was on." I said, looking over.

"Well, come on." He said, scooping me up and sitting down on the couch with me on his lap. We found a movie to watch and settled into the couch with my Rottweiler Caesar and my cat Xerxes on the couch with us.

We forgot about the movie after about thirty minutes and turned the lights off, kissing until his shirt was off and we were about to go into my bedroom when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said, standing and going to the door. Harry pulled his shirt back on as I opened the door.

"Hey, Annie, I know it's short notice, but could you watch Lux for the night?" Lou said, smiling at me as I opened the door.

"Sure!" I smiled, stepping aside so she could come in.

"Nice necklace." She said, setting Lux's baby bag down on my kitchen table

"Thanks." I responded, smiling at Harry.

Lou handed Lux to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek before waving to Harry and kissing Lux before leaving.

I went back to the couch with Lux and sat down next to Harry.

"Hey Luxy." Harry said, tickling her before sitting back. "How did classes go today?"

"Fine. I've been trying to keep up with all the papers, and I think I'm there finally. It doesn't help I have to do clinicals too." I said, kissing Lux's head as she laid back into me.

"You'll get it." He said, putting his arm around me. "How are you liking Twitter?" He asked, smiling at me.

My stomach churned as I shrugged. "It's fine. I try not to use it that much."

"Why? Too addicting?" He smiled.

"No, more like it distracts me." I told him, setting Lux on the ground and letting her walk around. "How's the new album going?" I asked.

"Fine. It's selling well." He said, looking at me.

"That's good." I said, looking over at Lux. She was about to pull something off the counter. I shot up and ran over to her, scooping her up and kissing her cheek so she wouldn't cry from the sudden movement. I stayed standing and swayed with her, smiling at her and resting my forehead on hers. She smiled and then looked at Harry, pointing and looking at me.

"Yep, there's Harry." I said, smiling at Harry. I felt her stomach rumble and went to get her some food.

Harry's POV

I could tell something was wrong with Annie, but she wouldn't tell me. I smiled as I watched her take care of Lux, talking to her as Lux tried to talk back. She would be a good mother one day. The ring and necklace sparkled on her, almost matching the sparkle she had in her eyes whenever she was happy, which was almost all the time now.

"Do you need help?" I asked, standing and walking towards her.

"You can get our dinner." She said, nodding towards the bags on the table. I took it out of the bags and thankfully, it was still warm.

We sat down to eat, and I felt like I wanted to do this with her. Marry her, have a baby like Lux, have a family and be happy, having meals like this whenever we could. I could see this as our future.

She brushed a piece of her dark hair behind her ear before seeing I was watching her and smiling at me. She got Lux to eat all of her food and picked her up, setting her on her lap as we ate. My vision became clearer as I watched them.

This is what I wanted.

Annie's Apartment:

The Ring:

The Necklace:

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