A Message From Yondu, aka, Bereet's Probably Sick Of Us By Now

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A/N: You're still here?! YAY!!! That really boosts my confidence! You know what'll also boost my confidence? Comments! I LOVE getting feedback! And not just from my sister- I mean proofreader! I want to hear from YOU! So gimme your suggestions and constructive criticism and even just your thoughts on the story thus far, and I'll be unbelievably happy! Thank you!

I don't know why she's still here.

In truth, Bereet wound up lasting a whole week. That's much longer than they usually make it, I'll give her that. I don't know how he gets so many romantic partners anyways. He's a complete idiot. Maybe Bereet's an idiot too. Maybe that's why she's still here.

I tune out of my own thoughts, favoring the news report over them.

"Scattered riots broke out over the Kree Empire today protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar's Nova Prime."

Now I remember why I escaped to my thoughts in the first place. The news is always depressing. I don't understand those rioting people. Peace between the Kree and the Xandarians would mean fewer wars, in turn resulting in fewer lives lost. Isn't that worth more than your grudges? But then again, what do I know? I'm not Kree or Xandarian. I don't know what I am. I look Terran, that's for sure, but I can shoot fire from my hands when I'm angry. I've never heard of a species like that.

I turn my attention to Peter, because sometimes my thoughts depress me even more than the news.

He's messing with something on our holoscreen, while somewhat bobbing up and down to the music. I try to turn to better see what my sweet, idiotic brother is messing with, when Bereet jerks me out of my thoughts once again.

"Peter, (Y/N), you have call," she begins to press the call button.

"No, wait, don't!" we both cry, but it's too late; Bereet has already sent the call through.

"Quills?" Yondu's voice comes from the other side of the holoscreen.

"Hey, Yondu," we chorus.

"I'm here on Morag. Ain't no Orb, ain't no you two."

Peter mutters in my ear, "You deal with him. He likes you better."

I roll my eyes at Peter's request, before coming up with a quick excuse. "Well, we were in the neighborhood. We thought we'd save you the hassle."

"Well, where you two at now, girl?"

Oh, screw it. "I feel really bad about this, but I'm not gonna tell you that." Peter gives me an incredulous look, and I return it with one of exasperation.

"I slaved putting this deal together..."

"Slaved?" Peter backs me up like a true overprotective older brother, "Making a few call is "slaved"?"

"...and now you're gonna rip me off!"

"I mean, really?" I continue our little side conversation.

"We do not do that to each other. We're Ravagers. We got a code," Yondu rants.

"Yeah, and that code is "steal from everybody"," Peter states.

"When I picked each of you up on Terra..."

""Picked us up"," Peter and I mocked simultaneously.

"...these boys of mine wanted to eat you two!"

"Yeah?" I fumed. My eyesight began to tint red, and fear filled my brain. Nonono. Not here. Not now. Not again. Peter noticed my eyes turning red and gripped my hand, reminding me of the conversation we had years ago when Peter first found out about my powers. I did what he told me to do back then. I pushed all my anger down and took a deep breath. My sight faded back to normal. Unfortunately, Yondu was still ranting.

"They ain't never tasted any Terrans before. I stopped 'em. You're both alive because of me! I will find you two, I will-" but before he can finish I plunge my finger into the end call button.

"Why'd you do that?" Peter asks me, "Things were just getting interesting."

"I didn't want to accidently burn the ship down," I mutter quietly so Peter can hear me but Bereet can't.

"Okay, yeah, that's fair."

~Third Person for Yondu (and to better understand the story)~

Yondu growls with anger. Not only had his boy, Peter, betrayed him -that happened a lot- but his girl, (Y/N). She usually took his side, and Yondu thought he could count on her.

"Put a bounty on 'em. Forty K each. But I want them back alive." Yondu knew (Y/N) was too valuable to kill, and Peter was attached to (Y/N). If he died, Yondu'd lose all the trust he'd built up with the girl.

"Yeah, Cap," Kraglin agreed. Unfortunately, Horuz, one of the Ravagers, didn't share their point of view.

"Alive?!" he questioned angrily.

"That's what I said."

"I told you when you picked those kids up, you should've delivered them like we was hired to do! They were cargo! You have always been soft on them, especially that girl-"

"You're the only one I'm being soft on!" he pulls back his coat to reveal his Yaka arrow. "Now, don't you worry 'bout them Quills. As soon as we get them back here, I'm gonna kill 'em myself," he also knew that that wasn't true. He wouldn't kill the kids, but he would give them a world of pain. "What we do need to worry about," Yondu decided to change the subject, "is who else out there wants that orb!"

~Third Person for Gamora, Nebula, and Ronan~

Ronan is angry. Then again, when is he not? This time, however, he's REALLY angry. This whole peace treaty thing has really put a dent in his plans. So, he does what villains do and rants to himself and his prisoner while his many servants dress him.

"They call me "terrorist," "radical," "zealot," because I obey the ancient law of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!" Ronan hoists his massive hammer-like weapon, and stalks towards his prisoner.

"You can't do this! Our governments signed a peace treaty!" The Xandarian was getting desperate.

"My government knows no shame. You Xandarians and your culture are a disease."

"You will never rule Xandar!"

"No. I will cure it!" Ronan then uses his weapon to strike the man in the head, killing him. He bends down, watching the blood of his enemy trickle into his chamber.

"Ronan," speaks a woman in the corner who goes by the name of Nebula, "Korath has returned."

~Time Skip~

"Master, they are thieves, outlaws who call themselves Star-Lord and Hecate!" Cybernetic-head, who we now know to be called Korath, recounts his encounter with our heroine and her brother. "But we have discovered they have an agreement to retrieve the Orb for and intermediary known as the Broker."

"I promised Thanos I would retrieve the Orb for him. Only then would he destroy Xandar for me. Nebula, go to Xandar and get me the Orb," Ronan instructs.

"It will be my honor," Nebula steps forwards.

"It will be your doom," her sister Gamora, a green woman known to some as the last of the Zen Whoberi, steps forwards as well, challenging Nebula. "If this happens again, you'll be facing our father without his prize."

"I'm a daughter of Thanos. Just like you," Nebula defends.

"But I know Xandar."

"Ronan has already decreed that I-"

"Do not speak for me!" he turns to Gamora, "You will not fail."

"Have I ever?"

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