The Kyln, aka, I Met A Thesaurus Today

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A/N: Okay, I probably need to set this straight really quick. School starts back on the sixth, and after that I'll be very busy. I might only be able to write on weekends. But I'll try to get at least a chapter a week done, preferably more.

Well, this sucks.

The Nova corpsmen who arrested us are preparing us for the lineup. Not that there's much to prepare us for. Basically, we stand in a box while they tell everyone our life stories. First is Gamora.

"Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."

Is it just me, or did she tense when they said "daughter of Thanos"?

Next, the raccoon.

"Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket."

Rocket, huh. I'll make sure to thank him later.

"The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."

Well, that doesn't sound fun.

Next, Groot.

"What the heck?"

I have to contain my laughter at the guards confusion.

"They call it Groot. A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal houseplant/muscle."

A surge of anger overcomes me when I realize that they called both Rocket and Groot "it". They both have emotions too, and anything with emotions is a person. Even if they look like trees and raccoons. My vision tints red and my palms feel warm, then white hot. It isn't Peter who notices this time, though. He's doing his little intro thing. No, Rocket is the one who snaps me back to reality.

"You alright, Princess?"

I shake off the anger. If he's not fazed by it, why should I be?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wait, what did you just call me?"

Rocket ignores the question. "What was that thing your eyes did?"

"What thing?"

"They turned red!"

"Oh, that." I try to think up a lie for why my eyes went red, but I'm dragged into the box of doom before I can give him an answer, real or not.

"(Y/N) Quill. Adopted sister of Peter Quill. Abducted by Yondu from Terra a few years after her brother.  Threat level high. Extreme caution is recommended."

"What a bunch of idiots. Transport all five to the Kyln."

Not long after we reach the Kyln, I get to learn more about the furry little guy who saved my life. I learn that he's talkative. Very talkative.

"I guess most Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped twenty-two prisons, this one's no different. You two are lucky the broad showed, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers," he brags.

Thankfully, I don't have to respond because Peter is also very talkative.

"My sister and I have had a lot of people try to kill us over the years. We ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."

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