Carrying Out The Plan, aka, Let's Not Die Today, Shall We?

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(A/N): "If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore." - Michele Ruiz. Also, I'm just going to write this chapter in your POV so that I don't have to switch back and forth every ten seconds. <3

Well, this is great. I'm currently sitting in the cockpit of my ship, waiting for Yondu to give the word that I can go die. Fun times.

"Fire!" I can hear Yondu shout over the commlink, and a blast flies from our cannon, hitting their deflector shield. The fire spreads, its dangerous beauty coating the shield, obscuring us from the view of anyone inside the Dark Aster. I'm so in awe of the deadly extravagance, I almost miss Yondu's next commands. "Cover down! Submerge!"

Snapping my self out of it, I pull the Milano into a steep dive. We zoom under their shields and towards the kink in the metal where Rocket and some Ravagers will blow a hole open for us. Speaking of them, the team goes and carries out their job, but Yondu and I am over run by necrocraft. We try to keep them off of us, but for every one we shoot down, two more take its place!

"Rocket, hurry!" I shout through the comm. I don't receive a response, but can see the visual increase in the speed of shooting lasers. Not long after, I hear Rocket shout back to me.

"(Y/N)! Yondu! Now!" I smirk a little and begin my ascent, ready to give Rocket a snarky comeback about how he forgot to call me Princess, but Peter taps my shoulder. We turn to see a nearby necrocraft shoot down Yondu.

"Aw, heck! I'm going down, Quills! No more games with me, kiddos! I'll see you two at the end of this!"

I curse under my breath and turn my attention back to piloting. Unfortunately, now there are even more necrocrafts. I curse again, before turning to the commlink.

"There are too many of them, Rocket! We'll never make it up there!" Everyone in the ship flinches as the wing next to me is hit with a necroblast. I can still fly it, but it's taking a lot of effort. Out of nowhere, Nova ships start materializing around us.

"Peter and (Y/N) Quill, this is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here."

"They got my "butt" message!" my brother whoops.

"Your what now? Actually, don't answer that," I say as everyone in the ship gives Peter an odd look.

"Prove me wrong," Saal tells us.

I smirk. Proving people wrong is my specialty. As the Novas fight off some of the necrocraft, I fly us directly to the hole in the Dark Aster.

"Uh, (Y/NN), what are you doing?" Peter asks me.

"The quickest route between two points is a straight line," I tell him, and enter laser focus mode. Peter made up the name years ago when some enemy ships crashed my first flying lesson. For some reason, I went from being unable to fly, to outmaneuvering some of the best pilots. When I go into this mode, it isn't like my power over fire. I know what I'm doing. I have full control. I'm at peace even. Now that I can outmaneuver those morons by miles in normal mode, my laser focus mode is mainly used when I'm trying ridiculous stunts that require superb accuracy and could get me killed. Like now.

A loud crashing noise could be heard by everyone outside, followed by the screeching of metal on metal. To anyone else, our ship is veering out of control, but not to me. To me, I just got us in. When I'm done crashing, sorry, landing the Milano inside the Dark Aster, Drax bursts into happy laughter.

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