Knowhere Part 2, aka, A Creepy Weirdo Tries To Buy Me

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A/N: I got up at seven a.m. so I could get the computer before my brothers and write this, and I still don't know what to type here. How was everyone's holidays?

We're walking through a room filled to the brim with cages housing plants, animals, objects, you name it. It's kind of scary, honestly, to think of how the buyer must have acquired all of these beings. 

"Okay, this isn't creepy at all," Rocket mutters. His sarcasm never ceases to amaze me. Then, something odd happens. As the pink woman, we learn her name to be Carina, goes into detail about the collection of beings and artifacts, I feel Rocket move closer to me and grab my pant leg with his paw. He must still be drunk, I convince myself. Otherwise, he'd be scared of me like he was earlier, right? Right. But still it might be good to make sure he's okay.

"You good?" I whisper to Rocket.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're holding my leg kinda tight."

"Sorry. My balance got a little off, that's all. You know, being drunk and everything. You just keep listening to Miss Pink Skin, m'kay Princess?"

I nod, but have a sinking feeling that there's more to the situation then Rocket's letting on. Plus, despite his apology, Rocket has yet to actually loosen his grip on my leg. If anything, he tightened it. He was starting to look paler behind his fur as well. And even if it were a matter of balance, why grab me and not something sturdier, like a nearby cage or something? Then, I remember his rant from earlier.

He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over and turned into some... some little monster!

Of course. I'm a complete idiot for not sensing it sooner. All these creatures in cages... do they remind him of himself? Of what happened to him? They have to. There's no way around it. I slowly slide my palm over Rocket's hand. He's dug his claws into my pant leg. I carefully untangle it, pulling his hand off. I can feel Rocket tense beside me; his eyes go wide with the fear of facing this alone. But I don't remove his hand. Just move it. From my leg and into my palm, squeezing it gently. Rocket gives me an incredulous look, which I return with a kind smile.

"Don't worry, Rocket," I whisper. "The effects of the alcohol will wear off soon and your balance will return to normal." I hope he gets the message I hid, otherwise this sentence is just weird. In theory, I just told him that we only have to get the money, then we can get the heck outta here. If he didn't get the message though, well he probably thinks I'm some weirdo who comforts people about their balance when they're drunk. But I know he gets it, because when he smiles at me, it seems genuine, despite the obvious pains of the past behind it.

"Thanks, Princess." That seems genuine too.

Unfortunately, our touching moment is interrupted, this time by Carina introducing our buyer.

"I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, the Collector."

A strange looking man reveals himself. His hair is the same color as his cloak, a striking, statement of white. He has a small scar-like line running from the center of the top of his bottom lip to the tip of his chin. His eyes are somewhat rolled back, and his clothes are ridiculous. He turns to Gamora first.

"Oh, my dear Gamora. How wonderful to meet in the flesh," he places a kiss on her hand the way knights do to queens in the tales of old. It disgusts me. I attempt to keep my discomfort at bay, but Rocket notices almost immediately. He tightens his grip on my hand almost possessively, ready to threaten Tivan if he dared try that move on me. What exactly is going on with Rocket? One second he's terrified of me, the next, ready to open fire at anyone who comes too to me close for his liking. I'll have to escape to my thoughts later, however, because now, it's time to get stupid rich!

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