Crash Landing, aka, Meet Rage-fire

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A/N: I've given up on the swearing rule.  Let's go read a story!

"This is weird, we've got a Sovereign fleet approaching from the rear," I announce the occurrence that caused the interrupting beep last chapter as the rest of the Guardians gather on deck. Peter comes up behind me and rests his elbows on my chair. Gamora sits in the chair in the middle and behind the chairs currently occupied by Rocket and me. Groot tops Rocket's shoulder. Drax remains standing next to Peter.

"Why would they do that?" Gamora asks.

"Probably 'cause Rocket stole some of their batteries," Drax states.

"Dude!" Rocket shouts.

"Right... he didn't steal some of those. I don't know why they're after us, what a mystery this is."

"What were you thinking?!" I yell, maneuvering around the pilots. My vision tints red. No, no, no, (Y/N)! Not now! But I've completely lost control. It seems as if I'm sitting outside my own body. Thankfully, raging fire (Y/N) is just as good a pilot as normal (Y/N), and we're still dodging blasts and enemy ships just fine.

"Dude, they were really easy to steal!" Rocket defends. Gamora and I seem to think the same thing at the same time.

"That's your defense?" Gamora speaks for the both of us, considering I'm currently being controlled by rage.

"Come on! You saw how that High Priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson!" I find this charming, except for the fact that we're nearly getting killed because of it. Rage-fire me doesn't share my opinion.

"I didn't realize your motivation was altruism. It's really a shame the Sovereign's mistaking your intentions and they're trying to kill us," I... she... we... whomever, says sarcastically.

"Exactly." Rocky, I love you. And, despite my reluctance to share this fact, I would do absolutely anything for you. Just one little thing is all I ask in return. LEARN SARCASM! Even Rage-fire me agrees.

"I was being sarcastic!"

"Oh, no! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish!" Yes, Rocket. Yes you do.

"Can you put your bickering on a hold until after we survive this massive space battle?" I've got to agree with Gamora on this one. Peter has yet to notice Rage-fire has taken control though, and he, Rocket, and Groot have proved to be the only ones who can talk out Rage-fire, so I don't get to voice this opinion. Rocket hasn't noticed either, his attention diverted completely to the fight and bickering with Rage-fire, which needs to stop before I say something hurtful. Groot HAS noticed, and is frantically tugging at Rocket's ear.

"More incoming," my brother announces.

"Good, I want to kill some guys!" Rocket starts rapid-firing the fleet whilst screaming like an idiot and a maniac. Cute.

"You're not killing anyone. Those ships are remotely piloted."

Aw, let him have this, I want to tell Gamora. Unfortunately, I tell her something that sounds less like kindness and more like getting back on track.

"What's the nearest habitable planet?"

"It's called Berhart."

"How many jumps?"

"Only one. But the access point is 47 clicks away. And you have to go through that quantum asteroid field." We look over to see a very dangerous looking field.

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