Ch. 22

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It had been more than two weeks since the fire, but the stink of it was still in his hair, on his skin. He took long showers twice a day, but the smell lingered. Even if he inhaled too deep he'd still feel the slight burn in his chest. When he closed his eyes at night the images came back to him, images of being trapped-flames engulfing his vision, smoke in his lungs. He thinks back to his final thoughts, the ones that consisted mostly of Derek and wanting to at least say goodbye to him.

Stiles hadn't told Derek any of this. He thought it wasn't too good to keep it to himself but he had just started being vulnerable how could he admit he was scared to be alone at night? That he wanted nothing more than for Derek to stay with him and hold on forever.

Luckily, he didn't have to "Do you know how scared I was? I-I couldn't get back to you fast enough" Derek whispered, his palm was rubbing delicately at Stiles' thigh as the two laid peacefully in the large bed. The only light was from the television in the corner. The minute he had been released Derek took it upon himself to become comfortable in Stiles' home. In fact he wasn't quite sure how long it had been since Derek had slept in his own bed. Stiles of course didn't mind it, having Derek close was a level of comfortability he had never known.

"I'm sorry baby. I should have listened to you and got that oven replaced. But hey, you know the doctors cleared me a long time ago. You don't have to keep staying over and watching me" Though Stiles secretly liked it he wanted Derek to at least know he had a choice.

"Maybe-and I'm just spit balling here- maybe I just like spending time with my boyfriend"

"Whoa, who could've guessed" he watch as Derek's eyes crinkled at the corners with his laugh "So...I was wondering—just because we never really talked about it, and I know it was long ago but...who was that guy in your room?"

"I thought I said-"

"You did. And I believe you I promise I do. It's just a weird sense of closure I need"

Derek sighed and Stiles could tell he didn't think he should explain but Stiles clearly needed it and who was Derek to deny him of that "Ethan Steiner. He's got a soul mate named Danny but he's currently serving overseas. They were married just last year, I haven't known him too long. But the water in his hotel room wasn't getting warm so I offered him mine. I was in the cafeteria for most of it until I came up to call you, you know how hungry I get"

It seemed simple enough, a reasonable explanation that would have made sense had Stiles stopped to ask that question days ago "Oh—okay"

"You don't seem like you believe me"

"I do. It's just myself, I let my insecurities get the best of me. You know, I fought loving you for so long I guess I was just scared it was all for nothing"

"Hey, this thing between us, it isn't nothing" As Stiles brushed a delicate hand down the side of his face he could see how hard Derek was trying to convey the statement. His face was soft but at the same time trained on Stiles' eyes like he was trying to drill the fact into his head. He spoke barely above a whisper as he stared back into Derek's own hazel eyes "I love you" It wasn't until Derek was swiping a tear from the side of his face that Stiles even realized he had begun to cry "Wha-Stiles, what going on? Why are you upset babe?"

"I'm okay. These are happy tears, I promise. I'm just happy you didn't give up on me--on us. I'm just really really happy right now"

"Me too. I knew I'd never let you go without a fight" without a word Stiles was turning onto his side knowing good and well Derek would slide into the spot behind him and hold him until they both drifted off. Derek would help keep the nightmares away for sure.

Early the next morning, Stiles had been the first to wake. He brewed a pot of coffee as he waited for the knock at the door. Isaac would be in to talk about rebuilding the shop. Despite his past eagerness he wasn't up to the conversation just yet. But he'd have to get up and start again at some point. So when his partner came through the door Stiles let his mind become determined to work.

A few hours after he had gotten up Derek, in all his shirtless galore, finally shuffled out from the bedroom. His bare feet were poking out from beneath his pajama bottoms as his hand scratched through his already messy hair. He had been there so long it was almost nothing to Stiles when he placed a sloppy kiss to his cheek before he made his way towards the kitchen for a glass of orange juice "Morning Derek" Isaac was quirking an eyebrow towards Stiles as if to playfully scold him for being naughty. But that had not happened just yet.

"Sup Isaac" there was a crooked smile on Stiles' face as he let Derek's morning voice take an effect on him "What are you guys doing?"

"Working on a blueprint for the bakery renovations. I'm trying to convince your boyfriend to change the lobby"

"Isaac, no. That's the one area that is still somehow intact, why waste the money?"

"We're changing everything else, what's a little more construction. Derek, you're the expert, c'mon agree with me"

"No way man. I'd prefer not sleeping on the couch" proudly Stiles grinned. He'd never make Derek sleep on his stiff sofa but it was nice of him to be worried "Who'd you guys hire anyways?" He was standing over them now, the tuff of hair disappearing into his pj's right beside Stiles' own face.

"Someplace named Argent Agencies. The insurance company gave me their card" Stiles shrugged, to him it was nothing. But Derek's big eyes grew wide and he soon came to find that it wasn't just nothing.

Heavily, Derek dropped his weight into a dining chair. His once sleepy face was wide awake as he sat and glared at Stiles, who was far past unaware "What the hell? No way!"

"Calm down, why not?" Isaac asked, leaning in with interest.

"They're incompetent, arrogant assholes, and my rival company" there wasn't a moment when Stiles could remember Derek being so angry. But as the steam slowly seeped from his ears Stiles learned that Derek could be pushed to the limit "I know you said no but you have to let me do this renovation. It would be a serious shot to my pride if my boyfriend out sources to my enemy"

Stiles and Isaac shared a look of judgment before they both stared back at the half naked guy sitting across from them "Seriously Derek. C'mon babe this isn't a high school rivalry we're talking about"

"No. It's worse" His face was stone cold, further more proving that nothing he was saying had been a joke.

"Well we have a meeting with them later today. I just want to at least see what they're about" his soul mate was far from convinced, nothing about Stiles' plan seemed to sit well with Derek.

9. Derek was cute when he'd pout.

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