36- slumber party

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I hear the apartment doorbell ring as I finish setting up the glasses next to the champagne which is on my tiny coffee table, and the snacks are there, and the pillows we can sit on and- okay... I am definitely freaking out.

Ding. Ding.

"Okay, I hear you! I'm going, geez!" My hand reaches for the door knob as I use my x-ray vision to look through my door and see two people standing right outside my door. One taller figure and one shorter, just a bit taller than me. I immediately retract my hand after realizing it was both Barry and Iris. What is Barry doing here?!

I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Iris, hey! Barr- and Barry. You're here too! At our... girls night." I could tell that the atmosphere suddenly changed when Barry shifted uncomfortably. Then silence.

Barry went to say something but Iris cut him off. "Well I thought he could stay for dinner at least."

Wait.. does he know already? Something is off..

"HI!!" Caitlin is here for with her arms full of bags and a backpack that seemed so full it would pop with any sudden movements. "I brought goodies! I also brought some board games but I didn't know what games you guys liked so I brought them all and- oh, hi Barry." Caitlin did a double take. "Barry. Barry? What are you- hey, whatcha doing here!" Smooth Caitlin..

"Well Iris said-" Barry started.

"Can we come in?"

I moved aside in shock as Iris and Barry walk in. Me and Caitlin exchange looks as I plead for some form of help.

This will be an interesting night..


After the initial awkwardness, we all settled in and talked about work and the recent bad guys Barry had encountered. There's new bad guys that aren't metas yet full of dark matter. we're still trying to sort through it..

After about 25 minutes, there was comfortable silence. At least I thought there was, until I looked up and saw Iris and Barry looking at each other and giving one another alarmed looks.

"Guys?" I look over at Caitlin to see if she had answers but she shrugged trying to down and entire bag of chips. "Okay, look.. I wanted to tell you guys for a while but I didn't even know what was happening and I jus- Wait why are you guys looking at me like that?" Iris and Barry were looking at me like I had 5 heads.

"What are you talking about?" Iris spoke slowly and in such confusion. Oh no. They had no idea.

"Huh? Nothing never mind.. What were you going to say Iris? It looked like you were going to say something." Please say something. Anyone.

"Well.." She suddenly started grinning and Barry was looking at her with stars dancing in his eyes. They're so adorable. "I brought Barry here because I just kind of wanted him to be here when I asked. So um well-"

"Iris." Barry chuckled and rest his hand on hers.

"Right. Uhh Luna.. I want you to be my Maid of Honor and Caitlin," She turns to look at Caitlin, "I want you to be a bridesmaid as well."

None of us said anything for a few seconds and I could see Iris getting restless. My eyes must have been bulging out of my head because of the shock I was in. "Iris.. YES! I would LOVE to!!"

Then Caitlin spoke. "IRIS I WOULD BE HONORED!"

We jumped up and ran over to Iris and tackled her in a hug. After a few moments I grabbed Barry and pulled him into the hug. I love my family.
"Thank you for dinner!" When Barry left it was around midnight. He was headed to STAR Labs to figure some stuff out with the boys. We all had so much fun but now it was time for the actual reason for tonight's  sleepover.

We all got changed into our pijamas and settled onto my bed. I told the girls we should just squeeze onto my bed since it is King sized, but Caitlin brought her own blowup mattress and insisted that she sleep on it instead.

We went through a few random topics and once we started our "boy-talk" I found that it was the perfect opportunity to tell Iris.

"So, Caitlin, anyone catch your eye lately?" Iris questioned.

"Nahhh. Just me, myself, and I." I gave her a small smile knowing everything she's gone through with Ronnie, Julian, along with others.. "How about you, Luna?" Oh.. Geez Caitlin that was abrupt.

"Uhhh well.. Actually.." I look over at Iris and she sort of looks like she already knows. I mean, she knows. But she doesn't know that I know she knows..

"Ah so there is someone.. Tell us! Who is it?" Iris pushes.

"Well you certainly know them!" I am freaking out right now. "He treats me like no one has before."

"Im glad, Luna. And Harry should be-" She stops herself mid-sentence and looks at me in shock.

"Smooooth Iris." Caitlin chuckles to herself. Someone had one too many glasses of champagne.

"Well.. Yes. It is Harry. But before you say anything else.. How did you figure it out??"

"Are you joking? If only you saw the way he looks at you. And the way he talks about you. He puts you up on a pedestal and somehow mentions you in every conversation. Then there's you. You're better at hiding it but I still saw all of the longing looks in his direction as well as other kinds of looks that-"

"Okay okay." I chuckled a bit and scrunched my nose because I knew where she was going with that. "Gosh I didn't think we were that obvious."

"Look, Luna. I can tell that you were anxious to tell me maybe in fear for what I was going to say, but I fully support you. Yes I am a little nervous about the age gap but I know you and you don't usually make hasty decisions. You also put your all into things and I just hope he does the same for you in the end."

I smile a genuine smile at Iris because that wasn't the reaction I was expecting but it was the best reaction I could have gotten. But then there's still one more thing.. "Thank you, Iris. That honestly means the world to me. I just wanted to slowly tell people because I couldn't keep it in and I was tired of hiding it. Also, please don't tell Barry."




"Iris??" Panic flows through me.

"I told him a bit ago that I suspected something. But I promise I won't say anything now."

"Alright.. I trust you." Gosh that went better than expected. "I love you both so much and I don't know what I would do without you g-" I look over at Caitlin to see she fell asleep at the end of my bed. Guess she won't be using that air mattress.

I look over at Iris and we break out into laughter. When Caitlin shifts a bit, probably because of how loud we are, we try to be more quiet.

How did I get so lucky?

i'm alive
im now 21 years old (ik weird right)
i'm a senior in college (graduating soon!!)
and so much has happened since i last updated this story
i love all of the comments !! and thank you for 71k reads!!!! so insane!!
question: what would u like to see happen in this story ?
just a little discussion starter :)
ok byeee xo

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