17- not yet

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~Luna's POV~
"Why don't you start over from the beginning, Luna?" Felicity spoke calmly and placed her hand on mine so I would calm down. I was startled when she did this and removed my hand immediately. I don't want to hurt her.

"Uh.... So I guess everything started getting weird when Barry told us about Flashpoint. I started remembering things from Flashpoint along with the original timeline."

"Was I still a tech genius in Flashpoint?" Felicity always manages to make the most irrelevant comments at the worst moments.

"Felicity..." Oliver put his hand on Felicity's shoulder.

"Sorry. Continue."

I was in their new and improved "Arrow Cave", which is what basically everyone, except Oliver, calls it. Once I finished explaining everything to them, I sighed and slouched into the spin chair I was sitting in. I gave them a moment to take everything in, then spoke again.

"So... What do I do about Wally?" I was desperate for someone's opinion on this. Felicity was about to speak but Oliver interrupted.

"Uh, shouldn't we be talking about the fact that you have powers first?"

"No. Please no. That can wait." I know I have to talk about my powers eventually but I just can't right now. I don't want to. Not yet.

Felicity looked at Oliver first and then looked back to me. "Do you love him?"

"I-I don't know... I don't think so."

"That answer proves that you're questioning your relationship and if you're questioning your relationship..."

"Then it's not even a relationship." I finished the sentence for her.

"If you don't truly care about him, I think you should let him go. Don't make him go through that." Felicity is right. I need to break up with Wally. I can't keep dragging him along in this relationship.

I looked over at Oliver and he gave me a sympathetic look. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Where are you going?" Oliver asked me.

"I'm gonna go break up with him."

"Oh. Now?"

"Yes, Felicity. Now. If I wait any longer, i'll chicken out." She put her hands up as if she was surrendering.

As I was walking to the elevator, Oliver stopped me. "Hey. Your powers, Luna. You'll figure them out and you'll learn to control them. I know you will. You're the strongest person I know." I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. Oops too tight. "Ouch. I think you literally are the strongest person I know." We both laughed and I gently pushed his shoulder.

And with that, I left Star City. By the way, it's still weird not calling it Starling City.

~Ciscos POV~
Where the hell is Luna?? I've literally asked everyone where she is and no one knows. I walked into the cortex to see who was there.

"Barry! Do you know where Luna is?"

"No. Sorry, man." Hm he seems tense. I watched as he leaned his head against the wall.

"What's up with you?"

Barry took in a deep breath. "Wally's like this because of me. It's my fault. I keep messing up."

"You know that's not true." Barry shook his head and looked down. At that moment, Iris walked in.

"Yo, Iris! Have you talked to Luna recently? Do you know where she is? Is she okay?"

"I don't know where she is, sorry. I actually haven't talked to her in a while."

"Aren't you guys supposed to be like best friends or something?" I did not mean for it to come out like that, oops. She tilted her head and made that really scary face she makes when she's mad or offended.

"We are best friends. That doesn't mean I know where she is 24/7. Isn't that her big brothers job?" Oh okay... low blow.

I put my hands up. "Okay. Sorry!"

"Have you tried calling her maybe?" Iris asked me like I am idiot and I hadn't thought about calling her.

"Uh, yea! Duh!" No, I did not think of calling her if you were wondering. Once Iris walked away, I took out my phone and quickly dialed Luna's number which made Barry chuckle. I flipped him off while walking into the hallway.


"Hello?" FINALLY!

"Lu lu! Where the hell are you? Harry told me you'd be back by the next morning the night you left! It's been an entire freaking month! We need you over here. Something... happened."

"I know. I know. Im sorry! What happened?"

"It's not important right now. Don't worry about it. I just need you to come home. Now. Please." I can't hide this from her any longer.

"Um, okay. Well i'm actually on the road right now. I'll be there in like 5 hours." She chose a really bad time to go on a road trip...

"Okay drive carefully, mija."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you." I hung up.

I looked down at my phone and looked at my home screen. It was a picture of Luna in front of a truck at a rest stop. We hit the halfway mark on a road trip from Central City to literally across the map. It was something she always wanted to do. It was also the happiest I had ever seen her. I miss seeing her smile.

I wiped the tear from my cheek quickly and walked through the cortex and into the medbay. Caitlin, Julian, Barry, Iris, and Joe were all standing around.

"Any updates, Caitlin?" She looked at me and shook her head I saw the sadness in her eyes and I realized how screwed we really were. How is Luna going to react when she sees this. I looked over at the Wally-sized cocoon.

"Well... crap."

HI omg i suck at this!!
BUT 1K?!?! WUT?!?!
it's been so long y'all :,)

update on my life:
i got my license, i have a dance competition next weekend, and i have been going to college dance auditions!
i'm saying all of this like u guys actually care lol
love you guys:)

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