14- unravel

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I watched as a the boys, —Harry, Cisco and Barry— attempted to open up the pod with various kinds of tech and, of course, speed. They were on plan J, (plans A through I did not work), and have made zero progress. I sighed loudly as I walked over to the pod and reached out my hand to touch it.

"Why can't I just..."

"NO LUNA!" Cisco screamed so loud which caused me to jump back and fall to the ground.

"What the hell, Cisco! Why can't I touch it? That seemed to work the last time." Cisco reached out his hand to help me up but I slapped it out of the way and got up on my own.

"Ugh. Rude!"

"You're right, Luna. Just touching it did work the last time." I was about to thank him for agreeing with me but Barry continued talking, "But, we don't know if this thing put up some type of defense mechanism after the last time I touched it and was thrown across the room."

I scoffed. "This is a waste of my time. It's been hours and we've gotten nowhere."

Turning on my heel, I left the speed lab.

"I got this." I heard Cisco say.

"Let me try." Huh?

I was turning the corner to get into the cortex when my hand started to hurt. Looking down at my hand, I saw a ball of ... energy? I guess you could call it that. This isn't the first time this has happened either. It happens whenever I feel like punching someone. Or sometimes I just feel the energy in my hands but it won't physically be there. Why haven't I told anyone? Great question...

"No no no. Not again." I whispered to myself, obviously not quiet enough since a specific someone heard me.

"What's wrong?" I turned around extremely fast to find a puzzled Harry looking down at me. I quickly hid my hands behind my back.

"Huh? N-nothing. Nothing is wrong." He wasn't convinced. Harry grabbed my hands to see why I hid them and found nothing. Since when did he actually care? I mean, yeah we've had some fun working together on making some tech, but I never made him out to be a caring or friendly guy.

I snatched my hands out of his and walked away. "What do you want, Harry?"

He followed me into the cortex and I felt his eyes on me as I sat down in front of the computers.

"What's going on with you lately? What happened in the speed lab?" I didn't answer. Instead I placed my hands on my head because of the migraine that decided to appear. It felt like I was hearing a trillion sounds all at once.

"Luna." The sound of Harry's voice made every other sound go away. I looked back up at him trying to stay focused on his voice.

"You're seriously never going to let this go, are you?" He shook his head and crossed his arms in front of him. "Well, I don't know what to tell you, Harry. I'm just pissed off... all... the time."

"Why do you think you've been pissed off?"

"I didn't ask for a therapy session. Even if I knew, I probably wouldn't tell you." He looked down at his feet, clearly upset that I wouldn't talk to him. For some reason, seeing him upset, it made me feel bad. I gave in... But why?

"Ever since Barry told us, I just- I feel uneasy. Like things in my life are misplaced. Little, but important things."

"Flashpoint?" I nodded. "You shouldn't be feeling or noticing any of the changes, though. Only Barry can tell what is different or not."

I sighed and stood up. "Do you remember when me and Cisco told you about how he discovered his powers?" Harry stared at me trying to remember which made me roll my eyes at him. "Well, Cisco was killed by Evil Wells, or Thawne, whatever you want to call him. The only reason Cisco is still alive is because Barry went back in time and changed something, so Cisco dying never happened. But then Cisco started vibing that exact moment over and over again."

"He was remembering what happened to him in that alternate timeline." I nodded, believing Harry was starting to understand what I was saying. "So you're saying we should start calling you Vibette?"

"Oh my gosh, Harry. No. Also, I would never let that name happen. It's terrible." Harry chuckled which made me feel bubbly inside. "What I'm trying to say is that- well.... Barry told me the other day that me and Wally were never together before Flashpoint. He said I didn't even really like Wally."

"Why is that a problem?"

"Its not that it's a problem, it's just that... I remember everything. When Barry told me about how things were between me and Wally before Flashpoint, it was like something clicked and I suddenly remembered everything."

"Oh wow." Harry took a few steps closer to me. I stealthily took a step back. "So what are you going to do about this?"

"I have absolutely no clue. All I know is that I don't.... I don't have the same feelings I had for Wally a few days ago."

"Fastest relationship ever."

"Excuse me?"

"Huh? Nothing. I just said 'talk to him'. If you don't feel the same way anymore, you can't leave him believing you do." I just nodded in reply. "Is that why you dodged his kiss earlier?"

No. That was because of you.

"Uh, yea. I guess so."

"Luna, Harry! Can you come on down to the speed lab! I believe we had a breakthrough!" Cisco announced.

"Dork." Me and Harry said at the same time and laughed.

Let's go see if Cisco figured out how my pod works.

Dang it Flashpoint
i kind of like this cuz it's showing Luna and Harry alone having a full on conversation

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thank you for reading my loves:)

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