40- beautiful mind

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Caitlin, Harrison and I were walking in the halls getting ready for the conference Harrison was about to hold for the particle accelerator. I told him earlier how excited I was to hear his speech from the audience, but he insisted I stand with Caitlin by his side. I never felt so honored before!! I still can't believe i'm here at S.T.A.R. Labs working with the Harrison Wells!!

"Ready for the press conference?" Caitlin asked Harrison.


~At the press conference~

"Thank you. My name is Harrison Wells. Tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics," He took a moment to look back at Caitlin. Or was it me? Either way, I gave him a smile as he acknowledged us, "will bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine. It'll bring about advancements, period. This is the future. And trust me, it'll be here faster than you think." I noticed Dr. We- Harrison looking into the audience at someone but I couldn't tell who it was... Everyone erupted into applause for Harrison for a moment then died down again for him to continue. "What does it mean to you? This new endeavor of ours-"

Just then, for some reason my attention went back to the audience as I noticed that there was some sort of struggle happening. There was a girl that seemed to be in distress standing next to another guy. They were looking away from Harrison at what seemed to be a guy... running? Suddenly the guy next to her started going after the guy running away. What's going on? I shook it off and continued to listen to Harrison speak, but he seemed to notice as well.

"For the citizens of Central City- Well it would appear tonight's entertainment is not limited to the stage." Everyone in the audience laughed. I hope that couple is okay. At least, they looked like a couple.

Then, Harrison began taking questions from the audience.

A blonde woman asked the first question. "What's the first thing you'll do once the accelerator is online?" Umm celebrate because we worked so hard on it?

"Crack open an expensive bottle of Dom Perignon with my staff, because I ride them very hard and they've earned it." The audience laughed again. Well said, Harrison. He moved on to another question. "Yes?"

Another women asked this question. She had darker hair and had a British accent, I believe. At least, it sounded British."Those protesting this accelerator believe it could open a black hole in Central City. But is it not more likely to cause a benevolent phenomenon like a Higgs boson bridge?"

Harrison seemed a bit bothered and looked in my direction, as this was my expertise. I already knew what he was thinking and my eyes widened as I slowly shook my head no.

"Well, one of my esteemed scientists and engineers, Luna Ramon can answer this as this is her area of expertise. I could, of course answer this, but wouldn't you like to hear it from the genius herself?" I gushed at the compliments he was throwing at me and slowly walked over to the microphone. I hate talking in front of people... I'm gonna vomit... The lady that asked the question hesitated for a moment. "Before you doubt my coworker's intelligence and life's work," Coworker? But he's my boss? "you should know that she has studied engineering, of all of the sorts, physics, computer science, microbiology, biology, of course, chemistry, and quite a lot more. She has even studied quantum physics." I was stunned that Harrison would begin to defend me this way... The woman asking the question seemed impressed, but still stood firm with her question. I reached the microphone and whispered a 'thank you' to Harrison before turning to the woman.

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