4- stay dead

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Lo and behold, Harrison Wells was standing just 5 feet from me.

~Harry's POV~
She's. Beautiful...

~Luna's POV~
"No no no. You died!" I became so furious that I threw myself onto him and began using everything Ollie had taught me on Harrison. Oops.

"Stay! Dead!" I said between punches.

"Luna, no! It's not him! It's not him!" Cisco yelled, but I ignored him.

I was so distracted, I didn't even notice Barry come in. He sped over and pulled me off of Harrison. Barry held on to me tight while I began to cry and kick my legs uncontrollably. I tried to fight back so I could finish what I had started, but I began to slowly sink to the ground. I felt weak. Very....weak....


~Harry's POV~
Even as insane as she appeared, there was something about her that made me want to learn more about her, to stay by her side. Why?

"She's waking up." Snow announced to all of everyone from the med bay. My head shot up from my hands immediately to see.

After she threw a fit and punched me in the face repeatedly, she blacked out. Snow didn't do any tests on her because Cisco said he wanted Luna to rest first. I stood up and looked into the med bay. Luna was speaking to Allen, Crisco and Dr. Snow. She said something that made them all look at me at the same time which made me look down in embarrassment. Wait, why am I feeling embarrassed? She attacked me. As intrigued as I am at the moment, I cannot be distracted. I must remind myself why I came to this earth. She is not the reason I am here.

I left the cortex and headed straight to me and Ramon's workroom.

~Luna's POV~
"So, he's from another Earth?? And he's the doppelgänger of the Dr. Wells we knew? The one that kidnapped me and Eddie..."

When I said that, Cisco, Barry and Caitlin looked over at Harrison, or Harry as they are calling him. He got all awkward and walked out.

"Luna!!!! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Caitlin called me and told me you woke up!" Iris ran to my side as I was sitting up.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"So, Luna." I averted my attention back to Caitlin. "I didn't do any tests on you because Cisco wanted you to rest. Did you want me to do them now?"

"Uh, sur-"

"No no. No tests are necessary. She's good", Cisco interrupted.

"Cisco? I want to know what's wrong with me." I look down knowing Caitlin will yell at me. "This actually isn't the first time this happens", I say admittedly.

"Seriously Luna?! We need to know when these things happen. We're like your-"

"My personal doctors. Yes, I know. I've heard this all before." I looked over at Barry and then he gave Caitlin a 'she's not wrong' look.

"How about we just start making up another plan to defeat Zoom. We've missed your smarts Luna." Cisco attempted to change the subject.

"Wait... Missed? H-how long was I out?"

"About a few weeks," Caitlin said without making eye contact. "Cisco refused to let me do some tests."

A few weeks?! With no explanation of what's wrong with me?! What is up with Cisco lately, he's never like this. He's always been the kind of brother to freak out if I ever got even close to a paper cut.

"Can we have the room?"

Caitlin, Barry and Iris all nodded and left, while a very nervous Cisco sat next to me.

"You need to tell me whatever you're keeping from me. I'm your baby sister! Talk."

"Luna I... um..."

Jay, who is the Flash from Earth 2 and was introduced to me when I got back to Central City, ran into the med bay.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you guys are going to want to see this."

hi guys:)
sorry this took longer to write
procrastination at its finest lol

do you guys like it so far??
what do you think Cisco was about to tell Luna?

please comment any requests/suggestions/ideas that you have!
and voooootteeee pwease

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