Chapter 5

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In the passed two days Yaku has become a bit more open with Lev when it comes to talking. He got his own room, vowing not to run, knowing that he would easily get caught by the vampire. Yet, to be safe, Lev pushed the idea of having guards along his door and just outside the window in case he got any ideas. 

Yaku had been staying up late, as to adjust to the vampire's ways. Yaku ate with Lev, Breakfast was at exactly seven in the morning, Lunch was at two in the afternoon and dinner was at seven. 

Yaku was laying down on the king sized bed, the mattress was comfortable and soft, the blankets large and fluffy, the pillows were fluffy and soft. He stared at the top of the bed frame, letting out a long sigh as he thought of how the ball would go. He even let his mind wander to whether or not he would be eaten or harmed, or if he might be but Lev might save him. 

Yaku's thoughts were interrupted wen he flinched by and unexpected knock on the door.

Yaku sat up slowly and nodded to himself "You can come in" He said.

As expected, Lev opened the door and poked his head inside of Yaku's room. 

"Hey Yaku-san! I got a few outfits for you if you wanted to see them and pick for later tonight?" He said with a smile

Yaku thought for a moment before nodding and responding in an exasperating tone "Yeah, sure. But I swear to god if you are giving me dress options only, I will kill you" 

Lev seemed shocked by Yaku's words, but laughed a little and nodded "alright, alright, Come on then, I'll show you your choices"

Yaku rolled his eyes a bit but got up and walked over to Lev, gesturing for him to go on. Lev lead Yaku to his room, where three outfits were laid across his bed. Yaku was able to chose from a black and white Tuxedo with black pants, a white shirt with a red tire and black pants, and a flowy red  dress. Yaku glanced over the three outfits, The first two were similar, same shoes, same pants, just the tops were different, But the third one Yaku wasn't to sure about.

Yaku gave a small glare towards Lev and ended up kicking his ass to the point Lev nearly fell. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Yaku yelled at him

Lev looked at yaku with a semi hurt expression. "It's a dress, I thought you might look decent in it" Lev muttered

Yaku rolled his eyes as he grabbed the tuxedo option and left back to his own room, leaving Lev hunched over in pain.

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