Chapter 10

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Yaku woke up in the middle of the night, completely unaware of where he currently was. He looked around, but nothing seemed familiar. "what?" He asked himself. he thought for a moment he saw the shadows move, looking around the room quickly, but he didn't see anyone, only the objects in the room were visible. The room wasn't bare, nor uncomfortable looking. In the middle stood a king sized bed with purple and black bedding. The room had a few chairs to match, a coffee table, and closet doors along with doors to leave. The windows were covered with purple and black curtains. Yaku was comfortable, but he couldn't move. 

He began to wonder why he wouldn't get up and move around the room or look for an exit. But he just couldn't move.

"Don't even try" Said a voice, he looked around as much as he could but couldn't see anyone "We dosed you with ketamine" It said again.

 (For those who don't know, Ketamine is a medication primarily used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state providing pain relief, sedation, and amnesia)

"what?" He croaked out

"Oh come on, don't tell me you don't remember me now. What's it been, a week since you last saw me? How sad"

Realization hit yaku almost immediately"Kuroo??" he said in shock

The figure stepped away from the shadows, it was indeed, Kuroo Tetsurou 

(P.s. I have nothing against the characters of haikyuu its all for the plot)

Kuroo chuckled a little, "how was it playing with that vampire earlier, hm?" 

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb now Demon-senpai, I'm talking about Lev"

Yaku didn't respond, Kuroo just chuckled." You'll be staying with us for a little while, but don't worry, We will treat you better than any vampire ever could"

"I thought everyone forgot about them or didn't realize there existence"

"That's right, everyone except the werewolves, that is"

"Wait what?"

"I'm a werewolf, so is kenma, and so is kai, yamamoto, fukunaga, inuoka, teshiro, and shibayama, and many others"

Yaku wasn't able to speak, almost everyone he knew was a mythical being of somesort. 


Yaku nodded best he could

"well there is a lot you don't know about the world you live in." He said softly before adding "and Lev probably didn't tell you his background, did he?"

"He did actually"

"wow, shocker." was his only response before walking over to Yaku with a knife in his hand, but he didn't stab or harm Yaku. Instead he lifted him up "let me show you something"

Yaku just nodded.

Kuroo carried him into a seperate room. It looked as if it had been bloodstained. Kuroo set the redhead on the ground, on his feet "Look ahead of you"

Yaku's eyes widened at the sight, tears swelled up in his eyes, Lev's head was on the wall. as if a trophy. Yaku started to cry, he wanted to scream but nothing came out. He dropped to his knees. "No.." Was all he could mutter out between sobs. 

Yaku woke up in a cold sweat, he was crying and held back a scream that had just barely began. Lev woke up immediately and sat up beside yaku "hey, what happened?" Lev asked, clearly worried

Yaku couldn't speak and just sobbed as lev held him close, his tears making Lev's shoulder  a bit wet. 

Lev rubbed the smaller males back "hey, shh, it's alright, I promise, it was just a nightmare, Nothing will ever happen to you, I promise" Lev said, as comfortingly as he could

"W-what..about..Y-you?" Yaku stammered out between sobs 

"I'll be fine, I promise" He whispered softly.

Yaku nodded, his crying hadn't stopped for at least an hour. He fell back asleep, Lev sighed a bit, unable to fall back asleep. He held onto yaku for the rest of the night,making sure he would be completely safe. 

That morning, yaku had slept in a bit late. Lev didn't mind, instead he got up and went straight into the kitchen, He began to make breakfast. He made a ham and cheese omelette with toast and a glass of orange juice. He put a red rose in a small glass of water and set everything onto a trey. he hadn't burnt anything. He walked back into the bedroom and gently shook the sleeping male "Yaku-san, time to wake up" He said softly. 

Yaku slowly woke up, He had slight bags under his eyes, as he rubbed them tiredly "hm?"

"I made you breakfast" Lev said proudly.

Yaku laughed a little and sat up as lev placed the trey over Yaku's lap

Yaku smiled "wow, you didn't burn anything, good job, it looks great. Thank you Lev" 

And without thinking, in the moment, He pulled Lev down and landed a soft, sweet kiss onto his lips. Yaku and Lev blushed as they pulled away. But neither had a regret of what they did. 

To try and hide the embarrassment and thought, Yaku began to eat.

Lev looked away awkwardly.

"i'm not sorry you know" yaku muttered

Lev nodded "neither am I"

They both nodded and carried on with what they were doing.

(Sorry to mess with y'alls feels there- also again, I love ALL characters and I have nothing against them, so all bad you see of them, is just for the plot I swear! I apologize!)

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