Chapter 6

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Lev was leading Yaku in which was blind folded. Lev wanted the design of the ball to be a complete surprise. He smiled as he held Yaku's hand, leading him down multiple corridors and hallways until he got up to a large door.

"Ready Yaku-San?" Leg asked happily.

Talk slowly nodded in response "yeah."

Lev opened the door and took off Yaku's blindfold. The room itself was about the size of Nekoma's Gym, except its round. The walls were red with black Victorian designs. The ceiling was also black. There were gold and purple decorations and a table filled with different foods. There were already what looked at about 50 or so people.

No..not people..vampires

Yaku thought before shaking his head. There were women in beautiful Victorian style Belgian and others in shirts and skirts or in tuxedos, the men it tuxedos, pants and shirts and ties, a few in dresses. But as soon as Lev and Yaku walked in, everyone became quiet and looked at them. They parted the way wherever they walked. Lev smiled as he looked around at everyone.

"well what are you waiting for? Why don't you go back to what you were doing!" Lev said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The room quickly got loud again. Lev had been walking around, still having a hold of Yaku's hand. He was introducing people to Yaku.

"Yaku-san! This is Kenji Futakuchi! Futakuchi! This is Yaku-san, he is my beloved! Also is Aone with you?" Lev said

Futakuchi smiled and nodded at Yaku before shaking his head "no, he wouldn't come, sorry"

"that's alright!" Lev replied, the smile not faltering

Yaku stood there "wait so no one is going to question the fact that he literally just called me his beloved as if it we're nothing and true?"

"uh no? Are you not his beloved?" Futakuchi asked sounding confused

Yaku was about go speak when Lev cut in "he is! He's just a little bit..forgetful sometimes!"

Futakuchi nodded as Lev took Yaku out into the hall "we need to talk" Lev said

Possession (Yaku x Lev ) Where stories live. Discover now