Chapter 2

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Yaku woke up in a victorian style room. He was on a bed with red covers an a black bed frame. The walls were a dark purple and the carpeting black along with the ceiling. But this didn't catch Yaku's attention, rubbing the side of his neck, the first thing he noticed, is he wasn't the only one in the bed. Yaku was only in a pair of shorts that were too big for him, but beside him was the male he had seen  from earlier.

Lev was gazing at Yaku with a soft expression. Lev hadn't slept much, but he hadn't left Yaku's side since he gave the shorter male the shot. Lev usually would have just locked them up or even killed them on the spot. but there was something odd about Yaku, odd yet fascinating in a way. Lev gave a soft smile once the boy opened his eyes.

"what the hell? Where am I and who the hell are you??" Yaku asked, still sounding asleep.

Lev smiled "You're at my palace, shorty" he replied.

Yaku smacked Lev upside the head "I'm not stupid!" 

Lev rubbed his head "So? Then you should know I'm being honest!!" 

Yaku rolled his eyes "yeah whatever. But that doesn't answer who the hell you are."

"I'm Lev. I am the current vampire king you know* Lev replied, raising an eyebrow towards Yaku.

Yaku scoffed a bit and laughed "sure you are"

Yaku stood up and looked around a bit. The windows were tall and mansion like, the door looked like one of an old castle. He looked back at Lev.

"You were serious weren't you?"

Lev nodded 

"sure sure" Yaku replied, grabbing his clothes.

Lev stared at Yaku "Oh don't mind me, I'm just curious on human anatomy" He smiled

Yaku rolled his eyes once more "out" he said sternly

"" he replied

"Then don't look" He said

"hmm...But, what if I want to?" Lev teased

Yaku then walked over and hit Lev upside the head.

"Owwww!!" Lev replied giving a look at Yaku, who just rolled his eyes in response.

"I said don't look dumbass"

"Alright alright, I won't look..this time" 

Yaku just rolled his eyes as Lev turned away. Yaku grabbed his clothing and got dressed before trying to exit the room.

'Locked'  He thought.

Yaku began look for a lock, only to find out it was locked from the outside, and he would need a key to unlock it. He heard Lev chuckle and glared at him, making Lev become quiet.

"You won't get that key anytime soon, shorty" Lev smiled.

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT!!!" Yaku snapped, before growling a bit.

Lev rolled his eyes "Sure you aren't"

yaku then walked over and gave Lev a well deserved slap. 

Lev rubbed the side of his face "OW!!" 

Yaku shrugged and held out his hand "key. now."

Lev rolled his eyes and shook his head "If I do that, you'll leave. and I can't let you do that."

"what? Why can't you?" 

Lev didn't respond


"look at your arm."

As Yaku looked down at his arm, he noticed two puncture wounds and looked back atLev, confused.

"I tasted a bit of your blood, sorry. But it's sweeter than others. If you go now, I'll go on a rampage. There is only one human a vampire can taste the blood of to make them go crazy. And for me..That's you.." 

Possession (Yaku x Lev ) Where stories live. Discover now