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"So Naive"

And then everything faded to black.
By the time the boy woke up, it was well past dusk. But even the soft glow from the false candles made his eyes hurt as he swuinted them open.

"Goodmorning, sleeping beauty." Spoke a melodic voice.

Yaku's mind was too foggy to make out whos it was. He wa sfighting to keep his eyes open and he had a massive headache.

"What..happened?" He managed to muster out, his voice groggy and hoarse.

"Well my dear, youre merely a human, the taste of a vampires blood..Well, lets say it doesnt take much to kill someone." The male said eith a low chuckle.

Yaku then realized who he was with. The so called werewolf, his old captain. And with that, came the realization that he couldnt move if he wanted to. His body ached to the point the thought of moving hurt, but ontop of that he was bound to the floor. metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles.

He heard heavy footsteps moving closer to him, his chin being grabbed by rough hands  forcing him to look up towards the hazel eyed man.

"Onto more important matters." He began, leaning down to Yaku's eye level. "Youll be with me for 3 days. Then Ill hand you over to the blood sucker. Then on the 7th day we shall all come together, you will make a desicion. If you dont, we may all die. You will accept one of us, and reject the other. But I warn you now, choose wrong, and your life shall be in danger." He spoke, venom on his lips.

Yaku tore his face away. "I will do no such thing. Your both monsters. I would rather die than live with the likes of either of you." He spat, glaring at the taller man.

He scoffed and shook his head, backing away. "Yeah, we'll see about that."

And with that he left the room. But upon further inspection it seemed more like a dungeon. The walls and floor were mde of the same stone brick, some spots covered in moss. There was a small window on one of the walls, even if he was tall enough to reach up to it, there was no eay even he could swueeze through it. The door was large and metal. The room was empty, except for the chains, which made him stay close to the back wall, in the middle of it. and a small mattress, in the corner to his left.

Once the man was gone, Yaku felt his eyes gloss over, and before he even knew it, the salty tears began to roll down his cheeks. He was being held captive. he had been. he almost had his freedom. Now he had to decide between two men thag he didnt like. Pick one of them to spend the rest of his life with.

'dont lie to yourself you like one of them.'  A voice spoke in his mind.

He fought back sobs. He wanted to go home. He missed his family. His friends.  He wanted nothing more than to wake up, like it was all just a bad dream.

But he wasnt that stupid. He brought his knees up and buried his face in them. He had no idea how long he was sititng there for. But next thing that he knew, the big metal door opened. his sobs became more quiet and he quickly wipee his face of the tears. There was no way he would let his captor see him like this.

Long slow strides could be heard echoing off the walls. Then the raven haired man crouched in front of him.

"Im hoing to unchain you. only if you do not run. If you do, not only am I faster than you but i have guards throughout my land. You would remain chained here for the next three days. understood?" He explained, but his tone was oddly soft..almost soothing.

Yaku let out a small sigh and gave a short nod. "Yeah..I guess." He said, letting himself fall back against the wall.

Kuroo grabbed a key from his pocket, unlocking the cuffs on his wrists and ankles. The first thing yaku did was rub at the joints. Kuroo offered his hand, to help him stand up, and yaku slapped it away.

He stood up, glaring at kuroo before stretching. Kuroo delicately grabbed Yakus wrist and lead him out of the room, despite him trying to pull away.

Kuroo just lead him to another room. The color scheme was more black and blue. Black curtains sheikded the window. Black wooden tiles on the floor. a dark blue fuzzy rug dressing it. A black bedframe in the right corner, opposite of the window, with an elegant black conforter with blue embroidery. A dark chandelier as a light. It was elegant, dark, and overall gorgeous.

But Yaku showed no signs of caring. After all, there was no dust, the room was obviously lived in. and he had a guess on who's. when the large door shut behind them, the taller man ket go of the others wrist.

"Youll sleep here. with me. and as long as you dont try anything, i shall treat you with a mutual kindness and respect."

Yaku mimicked him in a high pitched voice. "Like ill losten to the likes of you." He said, poison dripping from his words.

"Would you rather go back to the cellar?" Kuroo snapped.

Yaku rolled his eyes "Better than being anywhere with the likes of you." Though Yakus voice filled with hatred, his tone was still calm. That only pissed kuroo off more.

"Youll be lucky if I dont kill you before i have to give you back." He snapped, a growl in his voice.

"Killing me would only hurt you more, wouldnt it?" Yaku said, a bit of a smirk on his face as he tolted his head.

Kuroo narrowed his eyes, but didnt respond. Proving Yaku's theory.

"Either way, ill reject you. over. and over. and over again." He said, Kuroo seemed to flinch at those words.

"What so you fell for a fucking blood sucker? I could treat you way better than him, make you feek better than he could." Kuroo said, cupping yakus face in his hands.

Yaku looked at him in disgust and shived him. He got the hint. "I didnt fall for anyone. But tou..You disgust me!" he snapped.

He couldve sworn he heard what sounded like a whimper. But it was so subtle, it ciuldve been in his mind.

"Id rather be with him than you." And with that, he turned on his heel and walked away.

Kuroo didnt even move. Yaku didnt run. Maybe if he walked out he wouldnt be briught back. but the house was emoty. and much less of a maze than Levs.

'Lev' His mind was brought back to the vampire. his stomach flipped and his heart beat a little faster against his chest.

He just kept walking. if he did, either he would find Lev, or Lev would find him. he was sure of it. Until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Fine. you want him so bad? Prove it. Fight me. You win, you walk free, ill even take you to him. I win, you dont reject me, you accept me and stay here. forever. Sound fair?"

"Hardly. but I dont have much a choice do I?"

"Your smart. Ill even give you first hit. And i wont wolf out on you."

"Fine." Yaku said, turning on his heel to face the other. "But only if I get a silver dagger."

Kuroo stared at him like he was crazy. "Why so you can kill me? yeah no not happening."

Yaku rolled his eyes and then shrugged. "Fine."

He tried to ignore how rapid his breath was, how shakey his hands were. He took in a deep breath. Though he felt something warm, almost electric through his fingertips. He took a few steps back and went to lunge for the other, but as soon as he touched him, he heard a howl of pain and a loud sizzling sound. As he looked where he had touched, dark cokored burn marks began to form.

Possession (Yaku x Lev ) Where stories live. Discover now