Chapter 9

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A couple hours of just laying there they finally decided to get up. Yaku stretched and let out a small yawn. Lev sat up and smiled. 

"That was nice." Lev said softly.

Yaku nodded in response.

"So, what do you want to do today Yaku-san?" He asked?

'hmm, I don't know, and honestly I don't really care, not like there's much to do here anyways" Yau replied, sounding almost annoyed.

Lev rolled his eyes "C'mon, I'll take you out to the village today, sound good?"

Yaku nodded "yeah, I think I'd enjoy that, at least a little" he responded

Lev then nodded with s mile and went for the door "we will leave in about an hour, so we can get ready then eat, does that sound good?"

"yeah, although I don't have anything to wear" Yaku said slowly 

Lev chuckled a bit "How about you check the closet. I'll see you for breakfast" He said before taking his leave.

Yaku stared in slight confusion before walking over to the large dark oak doors which would lead into the closet. He slowly pulled them open. They were like those overly large doors that were heavy and hard to move so it took him a moment. 

When he finally got the doors open he looked in shock. It was a nice half walk in closet filled with clothes for all occasions, along with shoes and just about everything else. HE couldn't help but smile a bit when he realized they were all in his size before rolling his eyes "that idiot.." He muttered before looking through the clothes. He ended up putting on a black t-short and blue jeans along with a pair of red sneakers. 

He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and put on some deodorant before walking over towards the kitchen to meat with Lev.

Lev was in a light grey t-shirt that might as well have clung to him, and dark blue jeans along with black work boots.

Yaku gave a small wave, which lev returned, but with a smile.

"Are you ready Yaku-san?" Lev asked

"as I'll ever be" Yaku replied plainly.

Lev came by and set down two plates on the table, with food that as usual, looked burnt. Yaku let out a sigh 

"Lev you did it again"

"what? There is no way! I could have sworn I cooked it just right!" 

"Lev, if it's black and that crisp, it's burnt" he sighed again "let me show you how to do it"

Lev nodded "I'll get it right next time Yaku-san! I'm sure of it!"

Yaku nodded "we'll see." Yaku walked over and collected the plates, setting them off to the side to use as examples.

Yaku then began to explain what he did and for how long as he made bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast. Lev took note of everything from the prepping, heat, and time, and when to flip or add things. When yaku was done he set the plates beside the previously burnt ones, beginning to untie the apron from his body "Now observe. The burnt ones don't look very good and are way to crisp and they are not the proper color. Whereas the none burnt ones are not to crispy i crispy at all and have proper coloring and just look more appetizing, don't they?"

Lev nodded, a wide smile on his face "It looks excellent Yaku-san!"

Yaku nodded and gave a proud smile "I know" he said cockily

Yaku took the plates and set them on the table along with silverware and glasses of milk. They both sat at the table and began to eat the meal before them.

Not too long of silence passed before Lev had finished, Yaku nearly finished. Lev stood up and washed his plate before putting it away, Yaku soon doing the same. 

Lev grabbed his wallet before looking at Yaku "ready?" He asked eagerly

The red head nodded "yeah" 

They walked out of the door and Yaku took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. It was a warm day, the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze, but it felt nice. Yaku began wondering what it was like at home when he remembered why he had been there in the first place. He let out a small sigh, and as if reading his thoughts, lev asked.



Lev gave a sad look and nodded "Me too"

Yaku looked at him in pure confusion

"Just like you, i wasn't born a vampire, nor did I choose this life in which I endure. I was caught upon watching a eeding and brought to live here. When I was able to see my hometown..It was gone, no one even remembered it, so I know how you feel." Lev said with a sad sigh "I remember the first breath of air I had in a while, but I made myself at home with the family."

"Wait, so you're not really half russian?" Yaku asked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere

Lev laughed a little "No I really am half russian, but everyone was told I was juts kept secret until my family believed it to be safe, considering the war that was happening at the time" Lev said

yaku nodded in understanding "So, maybe we should forget for a while and at least try to have a bit of fun?" 

Lev smiled and nodded "yeah! You'll get to see the village after all" he said softly

Yaku and lev soon began to wander throughout the village, most o the citizens greeting them happily, as if they had just met a hero or god of some sort. They treated the citizens with as much kindness and respect as they had shown them. they went through and bought many things, from fresh baked goods, to useful items and decoration, paying each citizen more than the item or items were worth, making sure that they would have a good living.

Lev and Yaku had also laughed and joked along the day while also getting to know each other better. Turns out they were more similar than they could realize. And time flew so quickly, it had only et like a mere hour when they returned to the castle, even though it had been dusk. The had walked inside the large living area and smiled at each other, not how they normally had, but kind, sincere smiles. They had ate in the village so they weren't hungry, instead Yaku followed Lev upstairs into his room, where Lev changed in the room and yaku changed in the bathroom, both into night clothes, Lev in sweats and no shirt and yaku in a large shirt and shorts. They then without speech cuddled under the covers of the bed and smiled at each other

"I had fun today" Yaku said softly

The silverette nodded "I did too, thank you for agreeing to go and opening up to me" 

"Thank you for inviting me and opening up to me as well" Yaku said softly

And a couple of minutes of silence passed and they were both asleep. Completely unaware of they eyes that had been watching them and listening to them all day.

(Whew! That was a long chapter! 1177 words! but I hope you enjoyed it, i will try writing like this more often! And if you have any suggestions for things you want to see or have any feedback on what you like or how I can improve feel free to let me know! )

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