C H A P T E R// S I X

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The Friday morning Maeve was extremely tired,
the long night was spent studying for the potions class she was required to research for the coming Monday and the exams that were soon to roll around for her end of year meant that her late night trip to the library wasn't for nothing.

She came down to breakfast 10 minutes later than usual at the pace of a corpse dragging her satchel behind her,
her tiredness hung under her eyes and the two boys could see it from a mile away they shared a look as if to say it was going to be a long day with a tired Maeve and when she was tired she was whiny, clingy and at times could be tearful or very emotional which secretly they both loved as she would lean on them as her guides while she zombies through the day.

Their eyes followed the sluggish girl till she collapsed into the wooden bench at the table and propped her heavy head on her hand and groaned out loud "Good morning little ray of sunshine" Sirius said pivoting to face her as she looked at him through her peripheral vision
"Morning" she grumbled back
"Well this is why you shouldn't have been wandering around late last night huh sweet pea?" Remus said putting down his fork and facing her as she shook her head and muttered a 'nuh uh' Sirius soon laughed lightly at her while moving her to lean on his side wrapping his arm around her
"Let's get some food in you and wake you up a bit so you won't completely sleep walk today okay little one?" she smooshed her face into his arm causing  his heart to flutter in his chest a bit, he put his face into her hair and breathed in her smell that always reminded him of peaches and vanilla.

The pair filled her plate with the usual foods she'd have for breakfast while she still laid still comfortably propped up half asleep on the taller one with her bag slumped against Sirius legs.
"No your not falling back asleep" Remus said trying to lean or move her body weight on to his
"Come on sit up baby" Remus said lowly while still trying to sit her into a upright position while pulling her small body into his, as that word left his lips her head snapped straight to his face with her eyebrows and nose scrunched up the fog of tiredness soon left for a moment.
"huh?" Remus stilled, not long after realizing his mistake while Sirius was silent holding his breath with his eyes wide looking for her reaction to moony's words "I'm sorry it was a slip of the tongue I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in anyway" he said in a rushed and worried tone fearing he had freaked her out.
"No no it's okay it was really sweet it just caught me off guard" she said looking down at her lap trying to hide her face to a degree before muttering
"I don't mind it I kinda liked it" before ultimately distracting herself by playing with the sleeve of her grey and yellow house jumper.

if it weren't for his advanced hearing he surely would have missed it, but the look on his face was definitely one of slight surprise
"That's okay sweetheart I just got worried that it made you-" she soon cut him off knowing he was about to go on one of his infamous Remus rambles when he was nervous or caught off guard.
"I don't like worry lines on your face they make you look older" she said leaning on the table and putting her small hands on his forehead and rotating them in a circle as a small grin broke on his face looking down at the girl in his lap with adoration she always knew how to relax him.
While out the corner of his eye Sirius kept quiet a hopeful and happy look plastered to his face watching the scene play out, if he couldn't adore the girl more in any particular moment he did now. She has a way of calming both of them and knew just when to do so of her own action it always came from the heart and that was becoming more and more apparent by the day.

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