C H A P T E R// F I V E

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That very same evening Remus had his nightly prefect duties of which he volunteered for so he had an alibi on the nights on the run up to the full moon of course only the select few knew of this information.

It was on his patrol route on the main first floor corridor, two corridors over from the gryffindor common room when he picked up the sounds of someone sneaking around and judging by the little footsteps and familiar smell he knew just the 'little' lady who was wandering around.

Her blonde head peeked out from around corners making sure the coast was clear of teachers and staff when she deemed that it was safe she padded down another one of the many Labrinth hallways of the castle
"shouldn't you be in bed little one?" Came Remus' voice out of the darkness causing her to scream and clap a hand over her mouth gripping her wand tightly in her palm pointing it at him as he muttered a low lumos,
it was when the white light cast a shadow over his face had she noticed in her panicked state that the boy looked more sunken in than usual and his scars seemed a deeper purplish Color.

she so badly wanted to reach out and caress his face but ultimately decided to keep her hands to herself.

"Why did you scare me like that?" She said in a tiny voice he noticed that she was in her pajamas that had little bunny prints which added to her cuteness before he looked down at her feet only seeing a thick pair of fuzzy socks.

"Because you were wandering when you shouldn't have been what would you have done if it was someone else who caught you?" He said crossing his arms noticing she was cold due to the pebbling of her nipples that made themselves present, he couldn't help but look at them discreetly and picturing what she'd look like in their bed.

Breaking him out of his thoughts was her mumble of "I suppose so"
he bit his lip noticing the little goosebumps and chatter of her teeth he sighed and began removing his black house robes
"What are you doing?" She said looking at him curiously as he slightly undressed. 
He peeled his thick cardigan from himself, the one Sirius had brought him as a Gift last year.
"Here raise your arms sweet pea" he said gently pulling her hands through the sleeve holes noticing her hands were like ice and soon taking them into his own large warm ones before making eye contact with her
"Now let's get you into bed it's getting later and much colder" he broke her out of her staring by squeezing her hands gently and casting her a smile.

He began to slowly walk her back to her common room still keeping her hands in his for warmth, she noticed his light smell of the woods and the faint cologne that he wore along with the warmth of his body heat on hers in the fibers of the woolen jumper.
"So what time are you going to bed? You baby me about this kinda stuff." she pouted making him chuckle
"well I have a few hours left so maybe 4ish. and the reason why we baby you is because-" a noise  interrupted him from down the corridor which had his ears perking up at the disturbance,
he pulled her behind his body shielding her from whoever it was and drew his wand. It wasn't until a familiar dark brunette peered from around the corner with his mischievous smile.

"Hello there love" he said approaching his boyfriend,
Sirius was in simple plaid pajama pants paired with his classic old hoodie and beaten up docs on his feet, spinning his wand in his palm it wasn't until he got closer to Moony that he noticed a short blonde head of hair tucked behind him
"What are you doing here trouble not up to anything are you?" He said as she came out of hiding
"No that's your job" she said causing him to laugh. He soon noticed the familiar jumper that hung off her body that brought a faint smile to his face "come on it's freezing let's get you into your cozy bed sweetheart" he said bringing her into his body looking down at her as she leaned her head on his chest before the other body soon brushed against her back invading her with warmth on both sides she hummed content in the moment.

"Thank you for walking me back" she said timidly as the two boys walked her all the way to her common room door.
"It was no trouble sweetheart." Sirius said, his words having the effect of making her blush nevertheless as she cracked the door open.
"Go inside and get warm we'll see you tomorrow for breakfast." Remus spoke stepping back to watch her etch herself inside the warmth not before she muttered a goodnight and a small wave sent to the both of them who remained till the door fully shut behind her.

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