C H A P T E R//T W O

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Pet names

It was another boring Tuesday morning when Remus and Sirius ventured down to the great hall for breakfast followed by James and lastly Peter.

as soon as they stepped a foot into the great hall they laid eyes on the little angel and both of them giving each other a silent notion to approach her and keep her company this morning after all to the two of them she was already their little sunflower.

"How's it going little Bug?" Sirius asked siting on her right side and Remus joining her on the left almost like a routine.
"I'm fine but I wish you would stop calling me that it's not my fault that you two practically tower over me you don't need to keep telling me I'm small" she huffed causing a smile to appear on Remus' face and a huge knowing smirk on Sirius'
"Yeah but your my little bug and nobody else gets to have that privilege aye?" He nudged her chuckling her flustered face as she tried to hide behind her hair as the boys began to pile their plates with food.

"Have you eaten angel?" Remus asked looking directly at the girl as she met his gaze with her pretty blue eyes that he adored she hummed nodding her head.
"Good girl" Sirius added in hearing their conversation causing her face to redden more and her eyebrows to scrunch up in the most adorable way in response to his teasing
"Stop it you know you don't need to keep giving me this grief every morning" she whined rolling her eyes causing the two boys she was currently squished between to laugh at her childishness, another trait they both found absolutely adorable at the best of times.
"If we didn't give you as much grief as you say we do then it would mean we didn't care so much about you would we?" Sirius asked tapping the girl on her little button nose as Remus sat amused looking at how she reacted to his boyfriends words
"I suppose not" she mumbled as she propped her head up on her hand and continued picking at what was left of her breakfast as the boys ate theirs giving looks to each other and to the little thing between them.

As they finished breakfast and began to leave padfoot and Moony had created a code between the other two boys when they wanted to be left alone, more specifically with her the same way for James as he was obsessing over the red-headed lily evans who he sat behind in potions but that was a story for another time.

They got the message.

The petite hufflepuff began walking to her first herbology lesson of the day "Hey angel what's your rush?" She heard the voice of one of the only two boys in the entire school that would even look her way,
"Unlike you Sirius I actually put effort into my studies and education and not half arse everything and I'm trying to get to herbology in time" Maeve said pausing on the staircase to look back at the two trailing behind her on the stone steps.

Remus couldn't help but laugh at her quick quip as Sirius went a bright pink at her little retaliation
"Ouch. I'm hurt doll your words have wounded me and here I thought you liked me" He pouted flirting with the girl as she faced him fully giving her signature look of 'really?'
"We will walk you to professor sprout's lesson" Remus cut into their little game of insults which she looked at him and gave a small grateful smile, as he took her bag off her shoulder and Carried it on his. He then looked to Sirius not far behind as they began walking in the direction to drop her off at her lesson on the first floor before they ultimately had to sprint to the dungeon in time for professor slughorn's potions class.
But in their minds it was worth it in the end

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