C H A P T E R//O N E

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It wasn't a secret that Sirius and Remus had been a thing, for one they were always glued to each other more so that the other marauders and the fact they were very open with how they were together this meant a lot of public affection in the corridors much to professor McGonagall's displeasure.

They both realised the connection between them within their first year at Hogwarts  while they shared the same classes, friendship group and a dorm room, but it soon became apparent that their two polar opposite personalities completely complimented each other.
Within those few years and being there for each other at the most important stages of their teenage years through thick and thin had moulded them individually and their bond into who they were.

But they both soon shared an interest in a certain Hufflepuff by the end of third year that they had many classes with since first year her name was Maeve. 

At first they had never really noticed the tiny girl who would often wander the castle alone and spend most of her time in the greenhouses or library,
it wasn't until one particular day that Sirius clapped eyes on the quiet figure that sat in the corer of the great hall at meal times and wandered alone seemingly in a world of her own but never spotted her with any groups or really anyone outside of polite conversation. he soon realised that she was in most of their lessons he too shared with Remus and the other marauders he just never had the time to really look around unless he was bored or had been in trouble already.
When he told Remus about her the pair began to observe her for a little while from a distance despite how Remus repeatedly made it known he was uncomfortable he felt stalking the poor girl before plucking up the courage between them to talk her. Soon they began to talk and often kept her company intrigued by her aura this quickly lead to building a source of friendship and connection between the couple and petite girl that became deeper and much more as the school years went on.

She was no doubt beautiful to them both as well as smart and incredibly charming but she was a little spitfire which amused Sirius the most. But the only problem was that she seemed oblivious to their affections towards her every day brushing off the little touches, smiles and nicknames as 'just friendly remarks' her blindness was cute to and extent but because frustrating after they had been wanting the little lady for their own since their third year came around and come to the conclusion that they had fallen for her and were willing to open themselves to her and her only. The nights and days they had shared intimate details of how they'd share her and adore her between the two of them hoping that they would all come to one day being together and loving each other without fear of judgement.

They spent most of their time teasing the little thing much to her annoyance especially Sirius and his playful nature that encouraged her to reciprocate in a cheeky and childish way but it showed how absolutely adorable she was and never failed to make the pair see why they doted over her. She never once asked or looked down at him for his last name or blood status and for that factor he held her in such high regards already.

Remus on the other hand encouraged the intellectual connections from complex conversations and study to the soft and doting affections that he made aware to her in a way she would feel warmth and compassion that he had seen her display towards him in her own naive way that made him feel more human.

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