C H A P T E R // N I N E

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Days after the full moon were always the roughest and took such a toll on one particular member of the Marauders.

As Maeve Passed by a long corridor leading to the courtyard on her way to breakfast a shuffling sound followed by three hushed voices sounded, panicked she hid behind a wall when she noticed Sirius, James and Peter holding up a bloodied and bruised Remus, tears stung her eyes at the sight of him at that moment. she'd seen him worse for wears before but he'd always had some sort of excuse for it, she soon abandoned the idea of breakfast and discreetly followed behind the group seemingly headed towards the hospital wing of the castle.

As the door began to close Sirius realized that a small familiar body had followed them and he soon broke away from the group after making sure His boyfriend was safe and getting seen to at the current moment .
"Hey trouble you should be at breakfast what's the matter?" he noticed she looked slightly stressed and teary eyed.
"Hey what's wrong baby?" He said as she sniffled.
"Remus I saw him is he okay?" She asked in such a small voice it hurt him a little bit.
"He will be sweetheart he just had a really rough night okay? I promise you he will get better you can see him in a minute" he pulled her into him gently resting his head on top of hers and embracing her small form, as he did so they both realized how tense he was himself seeing his doting boyfriend and best friend in this state every month. It never gets any easier as time passes but having her here to comfort him and her presence eased it even a fraction and it settled with him the fact he had her right now and could be here for Remus too with his secret in time but for now she needed to see him.

The door to the hospital wing soon opened as Remus shuffled to sit-up slightly to his visitor noticing the head of his lover poke through.
"I've got a special visitor for you Moons" Sirius said smiling as Remus let out an airy breath as best as he could despite the bruising on one side of his chest, as he pushed the door open allowing the little blond he adored slip through it made him heat up but also concerned as he didn't want her to see him like this. she shakily came into the room never once taking her eyes off of the boy wrapped in bandages looking beaten down she gently sat beside his bed taking his appearance in as he tried to smile at her as to not seem so frail but she saw right through it. His body screamed out in his pain as she scoured him from head to toe with her eyes she finally looked at his hazel eyes before gently bringing her little hands up to him almost hesitant to touch him in this state as if he was fine china.

"What's wrong with your face" she asked him in an almost babyish tone stroking it gently.
"I had a rough night princess I just need a couple of days rest and I'll be as good as new" he said gently starring at the girl that perched at the side of his bed fussing over him gently, he loved the warmth of her soft small hands on his face as he looked in the corner of his eye to see Sirius watching on with tenderness in his eyes at his two loves in such a raw and vulnerable state and for once he was quiet.

She was soon yawning by the end of lunch time as she and Sirius insisted on staying with Remus till he was out of the hospital wing.
"Come on come 'ere sweet thing" he said pulling her onto the hospital bed comfortably with him and settling her into his arm on his uninjured side as she curled into him like a cat and relaxed, as he too could relax and cherish this moment soon the other boy sat closer to their bedside holding his hand and occasionally running his fingertips lightly over her face and arms peeking out or through her blonde tresses, he was content in the spring afternoon in their own little bubble with the girl they doted on despite the predicament he felt the best he'd ever felt about his condition in such a long time with the right remedy to soothe him and his pains in a deeper way.

But his anxiety worried he'd expose her or put her at risk of his dangerous and off putting condition, as if Sirius could tell what he was thinking he spoke.
"Don't do that. Switch this." he paused tapping Remus on his head lightly,
"Off because when she finds out she will still love you no matter what and I don't think she will ever look down on you. just watch the way her eyes and her words form whenever she's around us it's almost as if it's on the surface but not quite there you said it yourself she will come around and will love you because of this 'Moony problem' I promise you My love" he said kissing him gently to affirm the conclusion. Both not knowing a certain unnoticed girl was awake and smiling to herself at the revelation finally starting to unravel at he seams leaving her heart to flutter like a butterfly's wings at this moment.

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