C H A P T E R // F O U R T E E N

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Happy new year everyone as a gift I've decided to do a Lil smutty NSFW chapter....enjoy 😘😏

She was laid out on his red bedsheets moaning and making soft little kitten moans as Remus sat behind her on the bed rolling her pink nipples that had significantly hardened in his warm hands while kissing her neck and telling her how much of a good little girl she was for them.

"Are you needy baby?" Sirius spoke softly running his hands up her thighs and gripping them slightly as she nodded and moaned slightly at his hands climbing further up her body.
She breathed out a small 'yes' in response

"So why don't you show daddies how wet your little pussy is sweet girl" Remus said into her ear and grinning at Sirius between her legs
"Come on puppy open those pretty thighs for me" he coaxed to her as she did so biting her lip

"Look Remus at how wet the little baby is" he said softly as he stroked her tummy just above her pubic area admiring her cute little pussy was all puffy and pink.

"Do you want me to eat you pretty girl? You want me to make you cum with my mouth" he asked tracing his fingers lightly over her kitty as she mewled and bucked nodding as Remus laughed while petting her head.
"He can't hear nods baby you need to tell us what you want us to do to you" he gently whispered in her ear as she bucked and asked for him to eat her out just as he leant his mouth down towards his dripping prize not breaking eye contact with the two he.....

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" James shouted kicking Sirius' bed making him bolt up as Remus stood by the door adjusting his tie
"Good dream there babe?" He said sarcastically his eyes dropping to the tent in his bed sheets,
The flustered Sirius used a pillow to cover his problem as the two boys laughed
"We're gonna be late for breakfast get dressed we have 20 minutes and no you can't and won't just go and have a wank and then make us dash down for the scraps of breakfast" James said peeved as he opened the door to go and find lily evans
"Fuck you potter! I'm up" he said sighing

"So what were you dreaming about the got you so worked up?" Remus said as he sipped his coffee at the table in the great hall with a quizzical look on his face,
"I was about to go down on-" Remus looked behind him before shouting "Maeve!" Sirius eyes widened "how did you know?" He looked over at his boyfriend who laughed while watching the girl stroll over to them "as I said we were about to f-" he paused looking up directly at the girl before coughing loudly "are you okay Siri?" A soft voice spoke up patting his back thinking he was choking
"I'm fine baby doll good morning" he said blushing while moving over slightly to make room for her to sit between them while Remus soon understood exactly what he was trying to articulate a grin was plastered on his face.

"You have divination first right?" Remus said while filling her plate for breakfast as she looked at him humming a yes before he set it down in front of her before patting her back to eat
"we have care of magical creatures so we can walk you there okay?" He spoke again while she bit into her toast before saying 'okay'

She noticed Sirius was unusually quiet this morning usually he'd be talking about quidditch or some kind of essay he hasn't done yet but not this morning.
"you okay?" she leaned into him whispering and breaking him out of his intense staring match with the wall across from them.
"yeah sweetheart I'm all good just tired" he looked down at her admiring how her lips wrap around her fork as she ate before smiling tightly trying to stop the filthy thoughts pouring into his head as she bumped into him lightly before eating again.

"Done?" Sirius said softly as she nodded and stood up not before Remus could grab her satchel from beside her and beginning to leave for their first lessons.
"if you can behave today I promise I'll blow you later" Remus said as he slowed slightly to whisper it to the tense boy oblivious to the girl skipping along slightly in-front and humming along to whatever tune in her little head as Sirius went bright red at the boys words "promise?" He said lowly clenching his teeth
"I promise" he breathed out before catching up to the girl and holding her hand to her next class as the taller one hung a few steps back to watch her arse sway slightly in her uniform skirt and to ensure people knew she was theirs.

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