Chapter 20: Scanning

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Chapter 20: Scanning
Copyright 2021 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

Come Thursday morning, I ravaged my husband once more. We shower at first warning with another round before getting out. Dry off and dress at the third to make it on our way before the fourth and final. It was my idea to have so many to allow for sex without being late. Breakfast was pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon.

Everyone is excited to fly their ship today to give me payback for yesterday’s trouncing. I smile as state, “we have already proved I am stronger than the six of you. Yesterday, I proved I am faster and likely smarter. I can also vanish with my ship; something only Dan might manage. Just be glad I am on your side. We will stay in the yard today. There are many things you need to learn. You can play with your ships during your personal time.”

Dan responds, “now that I know it is possible to vanish, I am sure I could. Did you automate it at all?”

I laugh, “no need to automate a single thought. Debbie took over my ship last night. She wants more to protect and scan the outer solar system. She feels splitting the sphere containing the solar system into thirty-two cone sections will provide enough overlap at the distance that it is reasonable to expect the shift from light to sub-light speed. Given the scanner's capability, gives us an almost perfect chance of seeing them before they can enter the sphere. The cameras in orbit would catch them if they enter the sphere by light speed, ignoring how dangerous that is. Hitting something like a rock at light speed would destroy their ship. The part that hit would drop to sub-light speed and crash, while the rest would continue past slowing down more slowly or continuing as if it had not happened. I told her we would take care of it after breakfast. We also must update the other six existing ships so she can take them over.”

After breakfast, Dan and I transport to the Moon server base where we make the thirty-two ships Debbie wants. Dan and I clone my ship for them, as she has already taken it over. I managed twenty-four in the time he did the remaining eight. She sends them out into orbit around the entire solar system and starts their scanning for incoming aliens. Next, I add a network link to the remaining ships so she can take those over. I do not even bother Dan with it, as it takes longer to explain than to do.

Given how vulnerable this location is to meteors or attack, I steal the shield, power, and computer control systems design from the ships to protect the area. This time I attempt the hardware without Debbie’s involvement, though I have her double check my design. With a few tweaks, she assures me it will work. I guess I still have more to learn. Not too bad for my first attempt at designing, given I had ten minutes to read the plans of the devices I borrowed and fit them together. I just kept some junk I did not need.

My first attempt does not function correctly because it enclosed something instead of stopping at the Moon’s surface. Each time it hits the surface, it fails and restarts.

The ship has multiple generators that link their fields together into one unit about two stories of a building away (about 8.5 M or 28 FT.) Those generators are strategically located to cause the shield sections to wrap around the ship as they link. This works perfectly, making me think about doing the same with the Moon and Earth.

Since Debbie has all the detailed plans for the ship in her memory now, I ask about changing the distance so a generator on Earth could make a shield in space beyond all satellites. Unfortunately, the power requirements would be impossible to find, plus radiation generated would kill all life.

We compromise by increasing the range to a more realistic distance. Dan and I expand my version to encircle the entire Moon. We do not want the governments or citizens to detect them, so we make them invisible. This time Dan has gotten faster, so I only managed twice as many as he made. I still placed many of his for him because he had issues transporting them to places he could not see. Therefore, he had to transport himself first and move them around him. I transport mine to above the last placed one and move it as Debbie tells me until it is on the surface, all from the server’s location.

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