Chapter 22: Testing

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Chapter 22: Testing
Copyright 2021 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

For our second week anniversary on Saturday, I wake Dan up early and treat him to a sex bonanza. When his body refuses to perk up after so many ways, I use magic to help it. Debbie’s research suggested many of the positions for me. Best Saturday of my life as I hide the fact we have a magical baby coming behind my secret shield and use magic to conceal my pregnancy. I do not want Dan to die because he tries to protect me or our child.

At our breakfast of omelets, I state Elaine and I will start testing her project, Tom’s, and mine. I do not bother mentioning I have already tested mine. Dan will assist Betty with her android. Tom will assist Alex and Jane as best he can with the power supply and replicator.

I hook up power to the transporter mat wormholed from my ship by the IC I used to test my scenario room. My ship is still stationary and invisible above us. We beam various size things between the mat here and my ship before trying living animals I create with magic. Eventually, I get beamed up to my ship and returned to my bedroom, since I want to prove the ship’s works as advertised. While I walk back, I have Debbie beam Elaine via the tag within her phone to put her on her ship’s bridge and return her via the transporter mat in the garage. Next, I place the separate tag on a gas can and have Debbie beam it and put it back into the trunk of Elaine’s car. We remove it, concluding the transporter works perfectly. I duplicate the transporter to the Moon server base so we can transport through the force field via the network connection. It gets powered by the solar panel’s supply around Venus the servers use. All of which I did with magic standing in the garage. That was a challenge for my power, but the energy signature of the servers made the location easy. We beam to the base together to be sure our automatic air shield protects us. Also, to be sure, we did not get mixed up. We return to outside my bedroom door just to prove we can beam together anywhere within sight of my ship.

I suggest Tom add the tag to the finished android so it can get retrieved, repaired, and deployed once more. Then, I ask for his status. He thinks, ‘the power supply is almost complete. The replicator is nowhere near done.’

I unplug the power from the transporter mat and we move on to the game room. We stand in the door area, which will not be changing. I connect the main control panel back to the power from my ship I used for the transporter mat. Our default game room scenario reappears. Elaine and I play some games. I freeze the program, stopping the pool balls in motion and restart it to see them continue as if nothing happened. I do not mention the testing I did yesterday. Instead, we repeat it by lifting all the items in the room. We move on to a different scenario.

Yesterday, I scanned through the list so I knew our choices. I pick one that can test climbing past the roof.

We are standing at the bottom of a huge rock face. I climb it immediately. Elaine looks at me like I am crazy and asks, “do you know what you are doing?”

I laugh, “of course. I am climbing a rock face pretending I am an expert, while in reality I have no clue.” Debbie gave me a quick course on doing it and I have the muscles to make this easy. She also makes suggestions on where to put my hands and feet as I climb, though after a few minutes I no longer needed them, as I could see most of them myself. Once I am a good three stories high, I release my hold and force myself to fall head first. I stop as my head touches the ground. I am confident I could climb to the top. Elaine is screaming as I fall. I am shocked she does not use magic to save me though likely because she wants to avoid messing up my doing so.

“Automatic safety engaged,” Debbie states. I rotate into a standing position by pulling on the rocks with my hands. Once I am upright, I walk over to Elaine.

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