Chapter 31: Boss

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Chapter 31: Boss
Copyright 2021 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

I inform Genact that his governor is currently in a cell on my ship. I ask his opinion on what I should do with him. He agrees that is likely the best place for him. He believes nothing can change Benfas’ mind, based on the arguments he had over this. I still plan on at least one more attempt.

I redesign the replicator to have its own power and make one on the floor in front of us. As Debbie updates its software, I have her limit what can be created to only allow items we approve. That way, it can make food or clothing, but not anything else. We program it for the various food items on this ship. Since they do not have the energy to matter technology, I wish to limit their usage of it and prevent its design from being stolen. I interlock the outer case to a high-voltage circuit fryer so, if the case gets opened, the circuits get melted so there is nothing left to steal. Another of Debbie designs as I did not have time today.

Once it is complete, I make thirty-nine more for the other ships. We network them all to Debbie for monitoring. They have a cafeteria setup that makes all the meals for the thousands on board. We teach the cooks how to use it. I include teaching it new items stating that it will only work, if food or clothing. Anything not recognized as food or clothing will just vanish inside it. I beam to each ship’s bridge with Genact.

The captains all kneel before Genact in greeting, when we appear on their bridge. They ignore me. Genact introduces me to all the captain’s. Just their voices tell me which side of the fight talk argument they argued.

Those on the talk side, I thank them for supporting peace and Genact. The others, I say that for a peaceful race, they disappoint me. I ask them why should I leave them in charge. Most kneel before me quickly. Those that do not, I pick up and lie down on the floor, unable to move. I also prepare to defend my mind, though I know they should be easy. “Have you forgotten the honor you owe your superiors?” I do not release them until they apologize. At which point, I only release the upper body so they can kneel. I held still their legs from the knees down.

Genact asks in front of them, “do you want them replaced?”

I reply, “I will let it go this once. They have never seen humans before, so I can forgive their lack of manners. Your people think mine are warriors looking for a chance to kill. That may be true for some. I am not that type, but I can act it if needed.”

I use air to block their mouth and nose so they cannot breathe. “This is how you will get replaced, if this ever happens again. Do you understand you are the dirt below my feet?” I wait until they struggle, trying to breathe before releasing them completely. They reply they understand completely.

Genact instructs the captain to lead us to the cafeteria. He leads the way even though we know the way. Everyone we pass kneels to let us walk past them. The staff of the cafeteria kneels as we walk in. I transport their replicator from Genact’s ship to repeat the training process with the staff.

Afterwards, I visit my prisoner, the governor, transporting outside to walk into the cell area. I make the illustration of walking through the shield as I enter the cell with him by transport. Figuring he tried the shield and believed it to be impenetrable, so walking through it would impress him with my power or our technology. I want to impress him so he will be more willing to surrender to me. I am sure the fact I am unarmed standing next to him in the cell also proves I feel completely safe from anything he might think about doing.

The governor asks, “what are you going to do with me?”

I respond, “that is up to you. You surrender to me and follow my orders. I will put you back in charge. The less I have to deal with your people, the better. My rules are simple. First, where you end up living will get decided by my planet and you will abide by that decision. Second, you will treat us as your friends and allies, so no weapons are to be used by either side. I will do everything in my power to guarantee your safety, if you stay here or you land elsewhere, until you have achieved a thriving settlement. Even after that, if you discover issues, you can call me. Given your plan to kill most of my people and make the rest slaves, I should have destroyed your ships and I could have within seconds. But having you as an ally seems a better choice.”

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