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The sun rose and with it, the Narnians

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The sun rose and with it, the Narnians.

The final details were sorted during breakfast and afterwards, the army was divided. Two thirds were to go to Imira and the remaining third to Peter who required less force to succeed for a dragon can inflict more damage than a thousand men.

They marched eastbound and came to a halt at noon. After enjoying the last meal they would have together for the week, Peter and Imira proceeded to say their goodbyes.

"I almost forgot, I have something for you," she said before getting on her mount and reached into her pocket and pulled something out.

"What is it?" Peter asked as she placed it on his palm.

"It's an amulet," Imira said. "A family relic. My father gave it to me before I embarked on my quest. It's supposed to give you luck and keep you safe,"

"You mean the quest where you got captured and subsequently killed?" Peter asked with a questioning brow. Must be cursed, Peter thought. Perhaps that's why she got captured. But then again, had she not been captured she would not have married him. Maybe it was lucky indeed.

"I mean the quest I completed successfully and from which I escaped death," Imira replied. "But if you don't want it, then I—" she reached to take it back, but Peter closed his hand around it.

"No. I want it. I was just... making sure,"

Imira held back a laugh.

"How come you've never told me about it?" he asked as he examined it.

"Because I know you don't believe in this sort of thing," Imira said.

"Yes, but I believe in you," Peter said and placed it around his neck. "And I believe in your odds-defying luck. You sure you want to give this to me? I have a dragon on my side, you don't,"

"I'm sure," Imira offered him an encouraging smile. "'Tis you who'll be facing the greatest threat. You could use some odds-defying luck," she placed a hand on his chest on top of the amulet.

"Thank you," Peter chuckled lightly and kissed her forehead. "I shall see you soon. Don't do anything I wouldn't do,"

"Is that your way of saying don't do anything stupid?" Imira asked, amused by the request.

"It's my way of saying don't pick a fight where you can have peace,"

Imira chuckled.

"I'll see you in five days," Peter said and walked over to his horse. "Make good choices," smiled at her before riding off.

She stood there and watched giving encouraging nods and confident smiles until the last Narnian had gone with him. Then, she turned to her lot. All waiting for her to give the order. But before proceeding, Imira had one solo mission: reconnaissance.

Peter had told her the exact location of the Ettins, but before doing anything, she had to see it for herself.

She took to the skies with Dehlios and when she returned she knew exactly where to position her army and when to make her move.

They rested under the cool shade of the trees and sharpened their blades while they waited for the hour to strike. At last, a good three hours after enjoying lunch, Imira gave the order and they moved forward.

One moment the western hills were empty and the next they were taken over by the Narnians. She wanted the Ettins to see her power and might.

The Ettins had seen Firestream soaring earlier and had kept a watchful eye on the sky, but they had forgotten about the ground. Without a warning, they saw themselves facing an army. Imira had their attention.

But she wasn't about to attack, not when she could spare her soldiers. Instead, she asked for parlay.

She sent three emissaries: a centaur, a gryphon, and a Narnian giant. And then, she waited.

They returned with positive news, the Ettin leader had accepted. She was now to reason with giants.

"Please don't let me die, gods," Imira whispered to herself as she prepared to go parlay with the Ettins. She was not looking forward to it.

"Majesty?" Henry asked, believing she was speaking to him.

"You stay here," Imira turn to face him. "Eurybe and the others will come with me. If they opt for battle, stand your ground. Do not leave the hills,"

Henry nodded.

"If they kill me," she looked into his eyes with a seriousness he had never before seen in her. But that seriousness faded quickly to be replaced by a smirk. "Give them hell." 

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She had asked for parlay and the Ettis had granted it. Speaking to them frightened her more than facing them in battle, but she swallowed the feeling down, buried it deep inside her and rode forward. She wasn't alone, of course. She wasn't stupid. She had her guards with her, her pegasus, and the centaur and the giant she had sent ahead of her.

She met them in the middle of the field. A large red-nosed Ettin of black hair and orange eyes was their leader and he went by the name of Cobblepound. Behind him and to his right stood Thunderrun with his spiked boots and his golden hair, and next to him Wildweather who looked unimpressed by the Narnian Queen and her force. 

"Yield now, run back to the moors, never return, and we shall spare your lives," Queen Imira spoke.

Their leader laughed.

They could see her army behind her and they had seen Firestream flying around earlier in the day, but alas, they were Ettins! They wouldn't be bossed by a bunch of Narnian scum, a few traitorous kin and a flying lizard.

"You think you can come into our lands and make threats little Queen? Ha! We are Ettins, sons of the sky and the earth. You think you can conquer us? Think again!"

"You are mistaken. These aren't your lands. Yield now and we will forget this trespassing. Yield now and we will let you go. Ignore this offer, and we shall water the fields with your blood," Imira said calmly.

"Foo! You think you can defeat us in battle? An arrogant little creature you are. Battle it is! Tonight we shall dine like kings and use your bones like toothpicks,"

It was battle they had chosen and battle Imira was going to give them.  

𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒂: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒈𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑰𝑰 (Narnia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now