Chapter 63 | The Storm |

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The sun began to dip below the horizon when Imira arrived at Cair Paravel, her pegasus gliding gracefully towards the familiar castle. As she touched down on the grounds, her presence was immediately noticed, and the Narnian guards greeted her with a mixture of relief and joy. 

The news she carried, the victory achieved in the southern lands, spread like wildfire through the capital. The soldiers cheered, and the people of Narnia exchanged smiles and glances of hope. Imira's return brought a renewed sense of optimism, a reminder that their kings and queens were a beacon of strength and leadership in troubled times. 

Imira dismounted her pegasus, patting its sleek neck in gratitude for their journey. She led the creature to a nearby fountain, allowing it to drink from the refreshing waters. The garden surrounding the fountain was a peaceful oasis within the castle grounds, a place of solace for both visitors and residents alike. 

"And Peridan?" Susan asked Imira. 

"He'll return shortly now that Rabadash has been dealt with," Imira reassured her. 

"Mother!" the twins Edward and William dashed out into the garden. As soon as they heard their mother was back they crossed the castle to find her. 

Imira smiled at them and went up to them, mother and sons embracing in a tight hug. 

"They say we won," Edward said. 

"We did," Imira confirmed, letting them go. 

Curiosity danced in William's eyes as he looked up at his mother. "What happened?" he urged, his eagerness evident.

Imira was about to regale them with a tale that would have them laughing and cheering, but their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the advisors. She wanted to eat, not talk, but her duty to the kingdom came before her own desires. Suppressing her own hunger and weariness, Imira composed herself and faced the advisors. 

She told them the basics. That the Calormen were defeated at the gate of Anvard, that no great losses had struck them or Archenland, and that Rabadash would no longer be a problem. The rest, the bit about Rabadash turning into an ass and Prince Cor being back from the dead, that they could learn from Edmund and Lucy when they got back, or from Susan should she feel so inclined to share once she told her. There was one more pressing matter to address. 

"Matters should resume as they were," Imira said, "But taxing on Calormen goods should increase. Present your proposals to King Edmund, he should arrive shortly. We can discuss it further on the next grand council meeting. But double the guard around any Calormen who steps onto our shores. Especially if they seek an audience or come to court,"

"Lord Henry already suggested it," William said, surprising Imira. 

Imira looked at her friend and the cheeky bastard gave her a smirk. 

Arrogant prick, Imira thought, amused. "Good," Imira said. "Since Lord Henry seems to have such good ideas, he will be able to answer all further questions you might have," 

She saw from the corner of her eye the servants carrying dinner and decided she would not deny herself further. 

"That will be all," she said with poised finality, ordering the councilmen out. 

All obeyed. All except one. 

Lord Henry approached her. "Even me?" he asked her with a smile she knew too well. 

"Won't Lady Phoebe wish for you to have dinner with your own family?" Imira asked. 

"I'm not hungry just yet. We'll dine later," Lord Henry replied. 

𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒂: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒈𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑰𝑰 (Narnia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now