Chapter 6

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Good luck with the ride in this chapter!! Your going to need it!!


Chapter 6

After my casts were cut off, I got changed. A nurse brings a wheelchair into my room. I sit in the chair, the nurse takes me down the halls.

I am wheeled out of the hospital, as my parents grab the car to bring me home. I try to stifle a yawn, I see the black limousine being brought to the front.

The chauffeur opens the door for me to step inside. I stand on my weak legs, and step inside. I sit on the cold leather seats.

I look out the tinted windows, and see someone running towards the limousine. They shout for the chauffeur, to wait. I roll down my window.

Daniels black hair comes into my view. A smile immediately forms on my lips. Daniel leans in through the window.

"So Rose are we still going out this weekend?"

"Of course! Who said we wouldn't?"

"No one, I just thought maybe you had changed your mind."

"I would never change my mind about going on a date with you."

A sign of relief shows on his face. I giggle, Daniel leans in the window. He softly brushes his lips against mine.

Someone clears their throat from inside the car. I look back and see my mother and father. They both have stern looks on their faces.

I roll my eyes as my mother begins to speak.

"Rosalie, I don't believe that was appropriate."

"What do you care? I know the truth about Nathan."

"H-how did you figure it out?"

"You think I'm that stupid?" I say my voice rises. "As soon as I went to the Bane manor, guess who was there? Oh it was Nathan himself! I know all about your plan to join the clans."

The shock that shows on their faces practically rolls off onto the floor. My mother averts her eyes to the floor. I turn and look at Daniel, he has a smirk on his lips. I suddenly have an urge to kiss the smirk off his lips.

I lean over and whisper in Daniels ear, "Will you take me home?"

Daniel nods his head, "sure babe."

Daniel opens the car door, and lifts me out of the car bridal style. His rippling muscles showing through his black shirt. I bite my lip as I stare at his body.

"See something you like babe?"

"As a matter of fact... I do."

Daniel laughs, "well I guess that's a good thing."

"Well it better be!"

"Hey Rose..."

"What is it Daniel?"

"I was wondering if you would like to stay at my place... You know to get some space from your parents."

"I would love to."

Daniel gently sets me in the passenger seat. He revs the engine, and drives to my mansion. I open the door to my room.

I start throwing clothes, shoes, hair products, and make-up in a bag. I change into sweat pants, a hollister shirt, and throw my black hair into a bun. I slip some toms on my feet, and walk down stairs.

Daniel snatches my bag out of my hands, he throws it into the trunk of his Porsche, as a limo pulls into the driveway. My father rolls down his window.

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