Ch. 30 What the Future Holds

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When I came to, the first thing I noticed was how bad the brand hurt. It felt like my skin was still on fire.I dreaded opening my eyes to look at it. I would have to live with this for the rest of my life. Surely I wasn’t going to die here, surely Alec would find me. Right? Oh my god Alec, he would have to see that man's initials on my stomach, how would he deal with that? What would he think of me? Would he hate me?

I opened my eyes trying to escape the thoughts in my head and found myself thankfully alone since I got here. I was lying on a dirty old mattress with my wrists handcuffed to each rail of the rusting metal headboard. I tried to move my legs so I could sit up and see where I was without trying to move a muscle around my stomach area. That's when I realised I had no pants or underwear on and that my thighs were wet and slightly sticky. It sent me back to the night I was raped by Dalton. My whole body started to tremble. I remembered how helpless I’d felt, how horrified and dirty. I couldn't prevent it back then and I couldn’t stop it from happening now. The tears started streaming unchecked down my face, despite my best efforts to hold them back. 

I heard heavy footsteps echo through the darkness, as someone approached the door. The door slammed open and banged against the wall causing me to jump, Dalton sauntered in with a huge evil grin on his face.

“Ah, my sleeping beauty finally wakes up. I know I must have tired you out from all our activities. But you must wake up now to feel and see what I’ve already done and everything I’m about to do," Dalton said, with a crazed look in his eyes and an ear to ear smile.

He laughed in a way that reminded me a bit of the maniac in a horror movie as he walked over to a table that was now setup beside the bed. He picked up something long and shiny and came towards me. When he reached my right thigh he used the object that I could now see was a very large filay knife to slice into my thigh. I screamed and thrashed around, my legs weren’t tied down but the trashing only made the cut deeper and jagged. He pulled the knife away and looked down at his handy work as blood ran down both sides of my leg and pooled underneath. He put one finger into the blood and put it up to his mouth smiling as he licked the blood from his finger. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

“That color is so pretty on you, don’t you agree? I think we need a matching one on the other side,” he said grinning, as he walked around the foot of the bed.

A sob escaped me then I bit down on my bottom lip trying to work through the pain as he carved twice more into my other thigh. He moved up and down my body placing cuts wherever he decided to, I counted seven before I gave myself over to the pain and passed out again.

When I regained consciousness he was standing beside the bed, his pants were around his ankles. His hand was furiously pumping his shaft, I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut begging myself to wake up from this horrible nightmare. Little wet diamonds glistened in the light as they slowly spilled from the corners of my eyes and down my face. I’d only been awake for a few seconds barely enough to figure out what was going on when I heard him grunt and then something wet and warm covered my torso. I shuddered in disgust, I felt like I was going to be sick. I tried to distract myself, to push it down, to think of Alec and Liam. But his unwelcome voice pulled me from my daydreams.

“Wakey wakey babydoll. It’s time to play,” he said, with another ridiculous grin on his face.

I watched him terrified as he walked back over to his table of torture, “Hmmm, which one, which one? Oh I know,” he said to himself.

He walked back over to the bed and released the handcuffs from the bed posts. My arms flopped down onto the bed. What was he planning now? I had no interest in his games, I stayed where I was, knowing that if I moved I would suffer more.

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