Chapter 16

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QOTD: would y'all read y/n stories?

Later that night, after Rylan left and I was alone in bed, I clicked on my moms contact to call her

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Later that night, after Rylan left and I was alone in bed, I clicked on my moms contact to call her.

Even though it was late, she picked up on the second ring. "Hi, sweetie. I was just about to go to bed, what's up?"

"Oh." My head titled as I thought about it. "You should probably sleep then, since you get up early."

"You're always more important, pup. Did you need something?"

"Um." Do I just come out and say it? "..I got a boyfriend.."

For a moment, all I could hear was her silence and some shifting around. "A boyfriend!" She sounded interested. "What happened? It's been a day since you told me you didn't have anyone you like."

"I thought you might get upset.." I trailed off as I picked at my sheets absentmindedly. "It just happened today."

"I would never get upset at you for something like that." Even as she said this, I couldn't help but think back to high school. "What's he like? Tell me about him."

I probably shouldn't tell her there's two of them.

But I want to.

The possible consequences that could come with that outweighed telling her. "It's Kyler."

She seemed even more surprised. "Kyler! What a sweetheart~ How long has this been going on?"

"Um, I think I've liked him for a while, I don't know."

"You think?"

I tried to think about how to word it so she wouldn't get the wrong idea. Rylan was part of the reason I realized I liked Kyler so it was a little hard to explain it. "I realized I liked him weeks ago but I think I've liked him longer than that."

"I see." She hummed in understanding. "Well how is living with him gonna be now? And you two work together as well, right? Are you gonna be okay?"

"Um," I mumbled thoughtfully, "I don't know. It just happened today so we haven't had time to talk about it, I guess. Should I?"

"I think it's best if you do, just so you know what to do at work and what not to do."

"What else should I do?"

"That's up to you, sweetie. I'm just a little worried since you two are gonna be around each other so much."

"I like that."

"I know." She soothed. "It's just not great for couples to see each other 24/7. It's good to see other people, have your own life, you know."

I didn't understand why I had to do that. It was already hard enough not being able to see Rylan all the time. Why would I wanna do that with Kyler too? "It's fine." I dismissed her worries. "I have my own friends and even if I didn't, Kyler is enough."

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